Biographical Highlights
- Occupation: homemaker / local preservationist
- Graduated Sacred Heart University, Fairfield, CT 1989
- Former A.V.P., Branch Manager, Bay View Bank, Burlingame
- Director, Burlingame Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, 1986
- Former Controller, Transcience Industries, Stamford, CT
- Treasurer, St. Paul's Nursery School 1995 to present
- Volunteer, Washington School
Top Priorities if Elected
- Preservation of historic neighborhoods and commercial buildings
- Support a BART-Caltrain intermodal station outside the airport with linkage to lightrail
- Support local merchants
 Political Philosophy |
Key Endorsements
- Marti Knight, councilmember
- Glenn Mendelsen, Hospital Board
- Teresa Carlos, owner "Alana's Cafe"
Campaign Contact Information