"Diane Howard for City Council
|" Diane Howard
This information is provided by the candidate
When Diane was elected to the Redwood City Council in 1994, her priorities were:
Improving the quality of life in Redwood City neighborhoods. Developing a stronger economic base using a team approach. Encourage development of quality housing & community services. So just what has Diane done over the past 3 years? Just what she said she would do!
Diane energetically worked with the Pride & Beautification Committee & 100’s of volunteers during clean-ups of our schools, creeks, parks & the marina. They planted trees & painted over graffiti. Diane joined with the Redwood Shores Neighborhood Association and the Parks & Recreation Commission to plan, finance and develop a community center, a new k-5 grammar school and fire station, and maintenance facility in Redwood Shores. Diane worked with Council Members and City Staff to revise plans for construction of our new downtown City Hall, and the downtown entry features program. Diane promoted a city-business-community team approach to re-energize downtown with the construction of the Main-Middlefield retail and housing project, the plan and development for the UC Berkeley Extension Campus. Diane voted for the City’s Gunshot Locator System contract to improve public safety. Diane continues to support our community service groups, who provide valuable services for many in need in our community. Diane has led the effort for a new city ordinance controlling unsightly newspaper racks around Redwood City. In these and other efforts, Diane is part of a team of committed volunteers, neighbors, city staff, and public officials, who recognize Redwood City as a “Work in Progress”
Someone thought calling Diane “Redwood City’s Cheerleader” was a criticism. But they were wrong! Diane is proud to be a promoter of all that is good in Redwood City and a leader in the efforts to achieve a better quality of life for all of us who live and work in this community.
As we look around our City there is a lot going on.......
infrastructure improvements, repaving of our streets and replacement of water mains safer streets cleaner and better equipped parks & recreation facilities a more attractive downtown This is happening because we as community are working hard, achieving progress while maintaining the best features of our City. And all this within a strict budget requiring assessment of priorities while maximizing efficiency.
Redwood City is a “Work in Progress”, and we are progressing in Redwood City.
We need Diane’s talents and energy for four more years. Join with those of us who value Diane’s tireless efforts, her ability to listen, her good judgement and her ability to evaluate how Redwood City’s funds should best be used to benefit and improve Redwood City - Our “Work in Progress”
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