Biographical Highlights
- Occupation: Chiropractor, Office in San Mateo
- Moss Beach resident 19 years, married to Chris, son:Adam 15
- Point Montara Volunteer Firefighter, 7 years of service to our community
- President, Point Montara Volunteer Firefighters Association
- City of San Mateo Firefighter 1974-1983
- Rotary Club member
 Detailed Biography |
Top Priorities if Elected
- Stop the waste of the taxpayers money
- Formulate an orderly Joint Powers Authority with Half Moon Bay Fire Protection District.
- Assure that the Point Montara Fire District provides the services the public expects.
 Political Philosophy |
Position Papers
Campaign Contact Information
Phone: 650-579-4440 Fax: 650-348-4269
Mailing Address:
510 Terrace Ave
Moss Beach, CA 94038
Email: sk8er@pacbell.net