Biographical Highlights
- Occupation: Computer Consultant / Programer
- Commissioner, Sunnyvale Housing and Human Services Commission
- Member, Moffett Federal Airfield Citizens Advisory Committee
- President, Lakewood Village Neighborhood Association
- Certificates of Commendation for volunteer efforts in community building projects
- Graduate, Haverford College, Bachelors Degree in History with a minor in Economics
- Founder and President of Frederik M. Fowler & Associates, Inc, a Sunnyvale based company
 Detailed Biography |
Top Priorities if Elected
- The future of Moffett Federal Airfield
- Balancing the needs of Business and the Community
- Traffic
 Political Philosophy |
Key Endorsements
- Endorsed by six of seven current Sunnyvale City Councilmembers
- Endorsed by three former Sunnyvale Mayors and County Supervisor Joe Simitian
- Endorsed by State Senator John Vasconcellos
 More Endorsements |
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