Biographical Highlights
- Occupation: Corporate Vice President
- Senior Vice President, Telogy Inc., electronics firm
- Marine Corps 22 years retired, Captain
- Past President, San Mateo County-Redwood City Chamber of Commerce
- San Mateo Rotary Club
- Member of Rotary's Scholarship Committee presenting scholarships to school students
 Detailed Biography |
Top Priorities if Elected
- To garner funds to improve traffic congestion on 101 and internal streets.
- To assure innovative senior programs and senior housing.
- To assure funding for police staffing to curb youth gangs, public safety.
 Political Philosophy |
Key Endorsements
- Former Mayor Jim Chalmers
- San Mateo County Labor Council
- County Treasurer Lee Buffington
 More Endorsements |
Position Papers
Campaign Contact Information
Phone: 650-573-7916 Fax: 650-462-5230
Mailing Address:
512 W. Hillsdale Blvd.
San Mateo, CA 94403
Email: jlee@telogy1.com