Political Philosophy for James Marsh
This information is provided by the candidate
The MidCoast Community Council must step up to the needs of the Community. The Council must be a consistent and an effective voice. The Council has but two choices:
Work for local control - either through Negotiation and Annexation to the City or Incorporation as our own city Work with Supervisor Gordon, the Board of Supervisors, the various departments, and staff to see that County policies more closely agree with the people of the MidCoast. Those of us who chose to live on This Side Of The Hill, need to understand that there is no "Us" and "Them", only "We" here on the Coastside. We all need to work cooperatively to determine, and then to develop what is best for our shared interests, for our children, and for the land. I believe in our Community, in the "We". I believe we should characterize ourselves and our neighbors, by our strengths, not by our limitations. We are a MidCoast community. I believe the Council represents our Community, that we must all work though the Council for representation "Over the Hill". If we do not, we will continue to be viewed as a pesky homeowner's group and NOT an ELECTED body. The Council must be the place where people come to get the pulse of the Community: The Council speaks for the Voters.
I believe the Council MUST:
Push the Economic Feasibility Study to be comprehensive, fair and complete Make the Planning Commission accountable to us Stop Variances and Use Permits as "standard operating procedure", as the norm Establish a Design Review Committee to stop prefab'd homes on our costly R-1 lots Stop sewer (priority !) transfers from Princeton Get our share of property tax monies reinvested in our Community: streets, drainage, maintenance, lighting Initiate a review of the LCP, the Land Use Plan for the MidCoast Work for an Economically viable MidCoast (ie, Our Environment is our Economy) Plan with the Cities of Half Moon Bay and Pacifica Deal with Traffic: ie, Buses, carpooling, bicycling The Council must be effective, it must be accountable I want to be very clear about my candidacy for the MidCoast Community Council: if You, the residents of the MidCoast want the Council, the "We", to be more Effective, to be more "voices heard", to represent the Coastside, then please vote November 4 for Jim Marsh for MidCoast Community Council.
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