Biographical Highlights
- Occupation: Marketing Program Manager
- Alumnus of Princeton and Stanford Universities
- Resident: 23 years; Wife: Jackie; Daughters: Jennifer and Rhoda
- 32 years of for-profit business experience
- Last 20 years at Hewlett-Packard
- 17 years of community service to public schools
- Currently finishing 8 years on Los Altos School Board
Top Priorities if Elected
- Preserve our safe, friendly neighborhoods (slow down traffic nd development)
- Improve relationships and cooperation between the city and its four school districts
- Conservative financial policies
 Political Philosophy |
Key Endorsements
- Lew Platt, CEO, Hewlett-Packard
- Margaret Gratiot, Superintendent, Los Altos School District
- Los Altos Town Crier, October 22, 1997
Campaign Contact Information