"Position Statement--Melodie L. Lew
|" Melodie L. Lew
This information is provided by the candidate
The following are highlights of areas on which I have worked and will be among those on which I would continue to work if re-elected to the San Mateo/Foster City School Board:
Foster understanding of need for community cooperation and involvement in schools and use of community resources whenever possible. Schools belong to the people—the community.
Actively listen to community concerns—striking a balance between administrative, staff, community input. Support and work actively and effectively for improved preschool education through involvement with Friends of the Early Learning Center, a group of community members interested in supporting and furthering effective and efficient preschool education and parent involvement for at-risk children. Work to bring untapped community resources into schools with the Volunteer Program, a community-based program to provide volunteers to our schools. Foster close cooperation with other public agencies. Support and encourage Adopt-a-School programs (many schools have been adopted over the past 8 years). Participated in initial discussions and actively worked on Kids and Families First, a community/interagency partnership to prepare children for school, and for reading by third grade. Participated in initial discussions and set-up of the San Mateo/Foster City Education Foundation. Opened magnet and single year-round schools to provide choices to the community and to relieve overcrowding. Continue monitoring all programs to ensure high standards and program effectiveness for all students.
Support national standards when local agencies are allowed to control how the standards are to be met. Not an encroachment of local control if the "how" remains local. Work at improving preschool services and better preschool-kindergarten transition. Called for and organized GATE study session during last school year. Currently working to ensure GATE students receive services. Work now being done at middle school level to improve GATE services. Vote against measures which do not facilitate/improve student performance. Encouraged and supported revisiting the Second Language Learners Program for improvement, which will occur this school year. Worked as board representative on Goals 2000 consortium (involving the SMUHSD and its feeder districts) to develop student technology standards and to ensure students are comfortable with and prepared for new technologies. Also concerned that technology remains a tool for education and does not become an end in itself. Work to keep dollars close to students in classrooms.
Vote against measures which do not benefit students directly. Kept cuts as far away from students as possible during budget-cutting years. Supported additions closest to the classroom during better economic times. Provide oversight of initial Measure E implementation and continue involvement in Measure C activities.
Initial Measure E implementation plans currently being developed by administration. Was responsive to community concerns over Measure C expenditures which resulted in re-evaluation of Measure C allocations. Provide a safe and drug-free school environment.
Will encourage re-evaluation of drug education programs.
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