Biographical Highlights
- Occupation: Incumbent/Secretary/Coach
- Half Moon Bay City Council since 1985/Director, Coastside American Heart Assn.
- Member, San Mateo County Transportation Committee
- Active in girls' and adult softball on Coastside
- Mayor four of last 12 years
- Secretary, Principal's Office, Half Moon Bay High School
- Lived on Coast virtually entire life, married to Howard
 Detailed Biography |
Top Priorities if Elected
- Improve the City's General Fund through taxes and fees from hotel at Ocean Colony.
- To make sure the Boys and Girls Club project is built.
- To continue to lobby CalTrans for Highway 92 improvements.
 Political Philosophy |
Key Endorsements
- San Mateo County Labor Council
- Congresswoman Anna Eshoo
- State Senator Quentin Kopp
 More Endorsements |
Position Papers
- Strengthening Economic Base
- The City has an opportunity to strengthen its General Fund by encouraging the development of the long-approved and long-anticipated resort destination hotel at Ocean Colony.
- Enhancing Our Quality of Life
- By enhancing our quality of life, I believe that we are committed to providing services and programs for two active segments of our community: our seniors and our youth.
- The Mission to Ease Traffic Congestion
- Half Moon Bay's prized location on the Pacific Ocean provides us residents a beautiful daily backdrop that our bayside neighbors like to visit. This results in traffic, which the Highway 92 passing lanes should help ease.
Campaign Contact Information