Biographical Highlights
- Occupation: Teacher / Incumbent
- Education: University of California, Berkeley
- Residence: Belmont resident for twenty-five years
- Family: Husband, Bryan; children, Jason and Meredith
- Involvement: Mayor 1994, Past President of School Board, multiple community organizations
- County Leadership: Transportation Authority, League of California Cities
- Age, 51
 Detailed Biography |
Top Priorities if Elected
- The management of major capital improvement projects
- Open and honest government at City Hall
- Responsible management of the City's limited resources
 Political Philosophy |
Key Endorsements
- San Mateo Democratic Committee
- San Mateo Labor Council
- Tri-County Apartment Association
 More Endorsements |
Position Papers
- Responsible Management
- We must get City Hall's house in order again. We must build a management team with new leadership
- Open Government
- There should be very few occassions for a closed session of Council. Over the past four years, too much discussion of the peoples' business has been done in closed session.
- Protecting Belmont's Quality of Life
- The challenge of the next four years is to continue Belmont's redevelopment, while continuing to protect against over development. We must always remember that we have a lovely small town...village...everything we do or allow must work to keep it that way.
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