Biographical Highlights
- Occupation: Business Executive
- Strategy, financial, marketing executive; demonstrated experience accelerating growth/profits
- Education: MBA, Stanford University Business School: BA/Phi Beta Kappa Economics, UCLA
- School Experience: Longest tenured member, Burlingame Community for Education (Local school foundation)
- School Experience: Served as president and 4 years as Treasurer; Quadrupled fundraising!
- School Experience: Treasurer, "ABC Yes" Campaign, Burlingame Schools Bond campaign; 80% approval
- Community Experience: School District Budget Advisory Committee & Soccer Coach (5years)
Top Priorities if Elected
- Higher educational standards, increased school hours and measures to track performance
- Financial integrity while pursuing smaller class sizes, improved facilities, literacy/math excellence
- Trust, communication and involvement among parents, staff and community
 Political Philosophy |
Key Endorsements
- California State Firefighters Assoc.
- Republican Party
Campaign Contact Information