Biographical Highlights
- Occupation: Manager, Eakins Open Systems
- Member, Palo Alto City Council (Appointed Jan, 1997)
- Palo Alto Planning Commission, 1995-1997
- Public Art Commission, 1991-1995
- Co-chair, Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee, 1994-1996
- Founding Member, Palo Verde Neighborhood Association
- BA, Wellesley College; MSSW, Boston University; MBA, University of Santa Clara
 Detailed Biography |
Top Priorities if Elected
- New Comprehensive Plan - adoption and implementation, new zoning, noise and historic ordinances
- Transportation and Traffic - calm traffic, encourage local transit(shuttle), bikes, pedestrians
- Neighborhood Based Planning - encourage range of new housing, balance community and business
 Political Philosophy |
Key Endorsements
- San Jose Mercury News
- Palo Alto Fire Fighters
- Santa Clara County Supervisor Joe Simitian
 More Endorsements |
Position Papers
- Palo Alto Civic League Questionnaire - see
| their web site
- issues mainly to do with residents' interests
- Santa Clara Valley Manufacturing Group (see http//www.scvmg.com)
- issues of special interest to large businesses
- Selection from responses to Questionnaire from the League of Women Voters
- Housing is pressing community need
Campaign Contact Information