Biographical Highlights
- Occupation: Administrative Assistant, San Carlos School District, 14 years
- I work with Superintendent and Director of Curriculum
- I coordinate special student projects at school district
- Have also worked in school district business office
- Associate of Arts Degree, Caņada College
- Court Reporter, 2 years
- Legal Secretary, 2 years
 Detailed Biography |
Top Priorities if Elected
- Get the Grade Separation and City Hall completed, using available resources
- Preserve Open Space
- Demand Honesty, Integrity and Accountability of City Council
 Political Philosophy |
Key Endorsements
- San Mateo County Labor Council
- Honorable Pam Rianda, City Councilperson
- Honorable Coralin Feierbach, City Councilperson
 More Endorsements |
Position Papers
- The Grade Separation
- The Grade Separation project needs to be completed to provide relief to the citizens and businesses in Belmont.
- Revitalize Downtown
- We need to continue to renovate and revitalize downtown Belmont while maintaining the small town atmosphere our families enjoy.
Campaign Contact Information