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Domestic Violence EmphasisBy Mel AndersonCandidate for District Attorney | |||
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The current felony trial team needs to be expandedImagine living with the one person in the world you are most afraid of. That might give you some sense of the daily horror experienced by victims of domestic violence. I was the first full-time felony attorney assigned to the Domestic Violence Unit of the DA’s Office. In hundreds of cases over several years, I came to see domestic violence as betrayal of the worst kind. It is a betrayal of love and trust. There is a quality of evil in crimes against partners and children that I rarely encounter in crimes motivated by greed or personal gain. Domestic violence crimes are unusually difficult to prosecute. Battered partners are reluctant to testify against their batterer. Many times I heard “I bruise very easily” or “I fell down the stairs.” Too often the battered woman is locked in a cycle of violence she is too frightened to escape. I am very worried about children caught in dysfunctional, violent families. These children experience violence as a way of dealing with issues. Violence experienced too often leads to violence expressed, and the cycle continues. As your District Attorney, I will bring a new commitment to the prosecution of domestic batterers. ¨Cases of domestic violence must be taken seriously upon first appearance in the criminal justice system. If they are not, violence grows and risks to life and limb increase. ¨Domestic violence is a specialty of the law. I will introduce new policies requiring special training and resources within the Department. ¨We must find a way to help victims of domestic violence find safety from their batterers. Prosecution is only part of the answer. I will institute closer cooperation with government and community organizations committed to the support and safety of battered women. |
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Created from information supplied by the candidate: May 20, 1998 10:21
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