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Political Philosophy for Harold H. Bloomfield, MDCandidate for Governor
![]() I've devoted 25 years and written 17 books to help remedy the unhealthy approach of the medical industry—by integrating natural, effective, prevention-oriented methodologies. Society is like a sick patient. How does government deal with it? Like the worst of modern medicine—with expensive, superficial symptom fixes and dangerous side-effects. It's fragmented, crises-driven, controlled by financial interests and totally ineffective at solving a myriad of chronic problems. What do the two major parties prescribe? Unfortunately more of the same. The prevention-oriented, root-cause which I have helped develop and which is the antidote for "modern" medicine, is also the cure for modern government. In almost every area that it touches, government upholds an expensive short-sighted approach that can be completely turned around by applying more natural, prevention-oriented solutions, ones that work in harmony with nature. A thoughtful author once wrote, "Basic to all solutions is the need for a new way of thinking.… In nature, many citizens may find the model they need to cherish." We are talking about just that, a new comprehensive way of thinking, based on the model of nature, which offers real and lasting solutions. The Natural Law Party has it. Government today doesn't—and needs it. Do you share our 'Natural Law perspective?'If you wince in the face of the enormous expense, the debilitating side-effects, and the symptom-orientation of modern medicine, and favor a more balanced prevention-oriented approach that works with our bodies own inner intelligence, and integrates the best of modern and traditional medicines, then you share our Natural Law perspective.If you question the wisdom of subsidizing the unhealthy and limited fossil fuels and hope that the government will fully support the use of clean, renewable energy, then you share our Natural Law perspective. If you question the wisdom of using toxic chemicals on our crops, of polluting our water supply, wasting away our top soil, and pouring millions of tons of poisonous pesticides and herbicides into our food supply, and wish instead that the government funds research and farmer education in sustainable, healthy farming practices, then you share our Natural Law perspective. If you look to education to teach more than just facts to our youth, but to increase creativity, intelligence and moral responsibility, and to develop the full creative potential of all our citizens, then you share our Natural Law perspective. And if you are frustrated with the two party stranglehold, with political bickering and with a government which is held captive by the deep pockets of self-serving special interests, and you are ready for a government that works together for the betterment of everyone, and that welcomes fresh new ideas and common-sense, proven solutions, then you share our Natural Law perspective. I want to emphasize that this new Natural Law perspective is not simply an idealistic, expensive, or futuristic approach. When you analyze Natural Law programs, what you find is that they are the most cost-effective, most practical, and most appropriate choices, all of which are available today. I encourage you to look at the 50-point platform of proven solutions which the Natural Law Party has been assembling since its founding, six years ago. They are available at www.natural-law.org. The popularity of these programs are responsible for the Natural Law Party's becoming America's fastest growing political party. In 1996, they ran over 400 candidates on the ballot in 48 states, receiving millions of votes nationwide. People are excited about our Party. And they're fed up with the two-party system, which is literally sold out to the special interests and the fragmented model of governing. Any significant change from within the system is nearly impossible. With an entrenched two party system and a growing population demanding change, where will it come from? History shows that in such a situation, change is pioneered by third parties. In fact, historians say that the most important political advances in US history came from third parties. The abolition of slavery, a woman's right to vote, and essential child labor reforms, all came as a result of strong third party voices. We are witnessing such a time today when a third party, the Natural Law Party, will pioneer historic political breakthroughs; but not just on one single issue—rather, on a new way of thinking that touches all issues. If I am elected, I will be fully engaged in applying this new way of thinking to improve all aspects of our lives. I will not have the time or inclination to pursue another office. Once we do a good job here in California, the rest of the nation will automatically follow our example. |
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Created from information supplied by the candidate: May 29, 1998 14:15
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