James Russ OglesbyI am a native Californian and descendent of the pioneering Russ and Harville families. Most of my life has been spent in the Redwood Empire and certainly my heart will always be there.My childhood includes a year in Bayside (Humboldt County) and then elementary and high school in Point Arena (Mendocino County). After I graduated the family moved to Vacaville (Solano County), but I returned to Santa Rosa to marry my high school sweetheart, the former Jo Ann Quinn. Having given up college for marriage, I returned to my studies after a four year break and began taking night classes to earn a degree in management. In the process I found my economics classes much more interesting and stayed in school to earn two degrees. Marriage and career advancement eventually led to buying a home in Cloverdale (Sonoma County), putting me back in the 1st Congressional District. During this period of time I ran unopposed for a spot on the Twin Hills Fire Protection District board of directors and was appointed to save the election costs. This was my first experience in government, and I served for three years including one year as chairman. I learned first hand how difficult it is to keep everyone happy, and thus how effective it is to leave people alone to make their own decisions. After moving to Cloverdale (Sonoma County) I was fresh from my experience in government and soon volunteered to serve on the local Mobile Home Rent Review Board. This impressed upon me how much harm government does as it attempts to do good. I hope to be elected to Congress where in two years I will leave office with a declining federal budget, a declining federal debt, and declinging federal regulator powers. |
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