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Full Biography for Diane Beall TemplinCandidate for Attorney General
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Hi- I'm Diane Beall Templin, American Independent Candidate for Attorney GeneralI would like to serve as your Attorney General and I'm asking that you vote for me for Attorney General in the June,1998 primary and November, 1998 election.I'm often asked :
1. What are your qualifications to serve as AG? 1. MY QUALIFICATIONS TO SERVE AS AG INCLUDE: Attorney for 24 years with experience in Civil, Criminal, Constitutional and Family Law. I am licensed to practice law in California and New York;
Founder of Advocate's Legal Clinic, a law office which has reduced fees for those with moderate and lower incomes;
Licensed Foster Parent since 1985 As a foster parent of 67 children, I've experienced the devastating effects drug and alcohol abuse have on children and families. I have seen how Rehabilitation, education, counseling, community service, job training, apprenticeship and work opportunities and spiritual programs such as AA, NA, and Victory Outreach are viable alternatives to incarceration with revolving prison doors for people, especially young offenders. I have also experienced the problems of parents' frustrations with some Child Protective Services workers who seemingly forget that the goal is reconciling families while protecting children.
Co-founder of ADVOCATE'S CHRISTIAN MINISTRIES; assisted with services for the Seniors at Escondido Gardens for the past 7 years; My personal life experiences have uniquely qualified me to serve as Attorney General and have given me a deep understanding of real life issues, and a compassion for seniors, children, teens, struggling families and single parents; I am the mother of a wonderful 22 year old daughter who is happily married to a recently discharged Marine - they are both working and going to college. I am the oldest of 10 children and have 19 nieces and nephews. Please see below for detailed resume. 2. MY PRIORITIES AS AG ARE: My highest priority will be to reduce crime, especially violent crime, gang crime and organized crime, so that our streets will be safer for us to walk in and our neighborhoods safer for our children and grandchildren to play in . Unfortunately many people they are more afraid of violence from local police than they are of gangs and criminals. The first thing I will do as AG is to meet with the Sheriffs and District Attorneys to set priorities for law enforcement so that we are using our tax dollars to fight violent crime and not majoring on the minor infractions of seat belt and helmet and victimless traffic violations. As Attorney General, I will work with law enforcement to take our streets and neighborhoods back so that once again we can walk our streets without fear of being raped or robbed and our children and grandchildren can play safely without fear of being mugged or molested or intimidated by gangs or drugs. I believe that the primary concern of government should be the safety of the lives and property of law-abiding Citizens and that the most effective deterrent against crime is the certainty of apprehension, speedy conviction, and punishment befitting the crime. I believe that Restitution laws should be implemented requiring criminals to reimburse those injured by their crimes. Secondly I would establish educational opportunities for law enforcement on Constitutional law. As AG I will have an opportunity to review laws and advise through AG Opinions which laws are constitutional; I believe that Laws which violate the Constitution and deny people of their inalienable rights to life, liberty, and property without due process or just compensation are unconstitutional and should not be enforced. The 5th Amendment to the Constitution, which is part of the Bill of Rights, states that "no person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation". Thirdly, I will work with law enforcement and parent and community and church groups to create alternative activities and constructive programs for our young people and teens to reduce. gang violence and juvenile delinquency and deal more effectively with drug and alcohol problems. 80% of the people in prison today are there because of alcohol and drug related problems. I have heard from former inmates that they can get better drugs and alcohol inside prison than they can get on the outside. Prisons are possibly the fastest growing segment of our economy. America now has the greatest percentage of its population in prison, on probation or parole of any nation on earth. I would seek alternatives even as I enforce the law. PLATFORM of Diane Beall Templin for Attorney GeneralA - American Independent - Advocate for Constitutional Government and the Liberty AmendmentT - Tenth Amendment -State & Individual Powers Retained- Less Federal Intervention and Control T - Tough on Criminals -Certainty of Apprehension, Speedy Conviction, Punishment befitting the Crime O - Ombudsmen for Seniors, Children, Options for Drug Addicts and Alcoholics- Rehab Programs R - Restitution and Reimbursement for Crime Victims - Work Options and Incentives for Payment N - Neighborhood Watch Programs & Citizens Patrol Groups- Families Free to Walk Safe Streets E - Enforcement of the Law with No Legal Loopholes for AnyoneY - Yes on 2nd Amendment Rights and Individuals' Protection of Life, Liberty and PropertyG - Government of, by and for The People of the State of CaliforniaE -Educational Reform with maximum Parental Choice and VoiceN - Non-negotiable protection policies for California citizens from illegal invasions E - Equal Justice with no discrimination based on race, religion, sex or ageR - Reduce Burdensome Victimless Crime Statutes and LegislationA - Activate Prevention -Alternatives to Incarceration with Education, Employment & Exercise Options L - Life, Liberty and Property Protected -Law Enforcement Empowered to Act Efficiently & Effectively 3. WHY AM I RUNNING FOR AG?The American Independent Party nominated me to serve as their sole choice for Attorney General and I believe I can serve the people of California as AG and make some much needed to make California a much safer place to live and restore California to a Constitutional government-of, by and for the people. Americans are tired of political retoric with politicians talking out of both sides of their mouths with an agenda to simply stay in office. many people stand on the constitution, to destroy it, but I stand for and under the constitution, to protect preserve and uphold it.4. WHAT IS THE AMERICAN INDEPENDENT PARTY?The American Independent Party is the 3rd largest political party in California. It represents all of us who are committed to restore Constitutional Government and have become disenchanted with the other major political parties.The PREAMBLE TO THE AMERICAN INDEPENDENT PARTY PLATFORM states: The American Independent Party, gratefully acknowledging the Lord God as the creator and protector of the nation, hereby appeals to Him for continuing guidance in its efforts to preserve this nation as a government of the people, by the people, and forthe people… In order to preserve our liberties and our republic, we affirm the principle of individual rights upon which the United States of America was founded;- that in accord with our Declaration of Independence every man has, inherent in his being, an inalienable right to his life, his liberty, and the pursuit of his own interests. That the right to own, use, exchange, control, protect, and freely dispose of property is a natural, necessary, and inseparable extension of these rights; that the proper function of government is the safeguarding of these rights through the preservation of domestic tranquility, the provision of national defense, and the promotion of justice; that an examination of history reveals that governments generally have failed in their obligations, becoming themselves the major violators of individual rights; that therefore, government's powers must be carefully divided and limited. In consequence whereof we call upon all men who value their liberty to join us in pursuit of these political ideas… AMERICAN INDEPENDENT PARTY POSITIONS ON THE ISSUES REFLECT THE COMMON SENSE THINKING OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE; A HALT TO ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. A FAIR TRADE POLICY THAT PROTECTS THE ECONOMIC SECURITY OF AMERICAN WORKERS AND INDUSTRY. SAFE STREETS AND NEIGHBORHOODS. EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION THROUGH LOCALLY-CONTROLLED NEIGHBORHOOD SCHOOLS. RESPONSIBLE GOVERNMENT THAT PAYS AS IT GOES. REPEAL OF THE UNFAIR FEDERAL PERSONAL INCOME TAX. AN END TO SENSELESS FOREIGN "WARS". A STRONG DEFENSE, FREE OF WASTE AND CORRUPTION. STOP FOREIGN AID GIVEAWAYS. PROTECT THE RIGHT OF AMERICANS TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS. RESPECT FOR LIFE. PROTECT VETERANS' RIGHTS AND BENEFITS. HONEST, REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNMENT. NO MORE '' SPECIAL INTEREST POLITICS''.I Believe:I believe that "pork barrel" government must be made a thing of the past. I believe that the Constitutional limitations on the Federal government must be enforced. I believe that those who have taken an oath to protect and defend the Constitution and then do not ought to be punished by law. I believe that the President and the Courts should not be allowed to legislate. If the Constitution is to be changed, there are Constitutionally correct and legal methods of doing so. I believe that, unless and until otherwise proven in individual cases, that parents are best equipped to make choices for their children including education. I believe that those of the media who are licensed to operate should be required to furnish air-time to all candidates and that no time shall be purchased for political purposes. I believe that each person should have the right to invest funds in a totally secure trust through state licensed investment companies I believe that America's greatest days are yet to come if we can only protect our freedom from those who are eroding it. If you agree with me that America needs to resume her greatness and should have a government based on the morality of the Ten Commandments and the GOD-given rights of the Constitution as guaranteed by the Constitution and NOT on privileges granted to us by mere men, if you have become disenchanted with the antics of the other major parties hen I urge you to cast your vote for me, Diane Beall Templin on election day as well as other deserving candidates of the American Independence Party. I ask you to vote for me Diane Templin for Attorney General for a return to Constitutional Government and for the safety of you and your loved ones. RESUME OF DIANE TEMPLIN1016 Circle Drive Escondido, CA. 92025-4511 Phone 760-480-0428 or phone/fax 760-747-5196 pager #- 800-946-4646 pin #1823469 Websites - http://www.wimall.com/templinand http://orion.adnc.com/~websites/templin EDUCATIONInternational Law and Human Rights, University of Strasbourg, France in conjunction Simon Greenleaf Law School of California 1984State University of New York at Buffalo School of Law Juris Doctorate -Law degree -5/73 State University of New York at Buffalo Undergraduate Bachelor of Science in Social Welfare 8/69 9/65-9/66 Buffalo General Hospital School of Nursing- 1 yearEXPERIENCEFounder, Owner and Manager of Advocate's Legal Clinic and Law Office of Diane Beall Templin, General Practice with emphasis on Estate Planning, Trusts, Wills, Probate, Elder Law; Conducted Educational Seminars on Financial and Estate Planning; 1979-1997 Co-founder of Advocate's Christian Ministries, a ministry to the disabled and elderly at assisted care facilities, especially Escondido Gardens, and convalescent homes with worship & praise, Bible study and prayer and ice cream social and child evangelism. 1991-1997 DEGREES & LICENCES Juris Doctorate-Law, Bachelor of Science in Social Welfare Licensed to practice law in New York ('74) California (since '79) Notary Public; Water Aerobics Instructor, CPR, First Aid Presidential Candidate of the American Party- on the Ballot in Colorado and Utah, speaking and fundraising November 1995 and 1996 State Assembly candidate 74th District-Republican party 1994 Speaking and fundraising Water Aerobics Instructor- Iceoplex and Escondido Athletic Club substitute part time 1995-1997 Foster Parent -Emergency Shelter for 67 foster children 1985- 1990Home-schooled daughter for 3 yearsPlanning Commission City of San Marcos 1981-82Palomar College Instructor- Real Estate Law 1981-82Law Clerk, Research Assistant Law Office of James Warren Beall 760-434-3000 4/79-9/79 Legal Research, drafted documents, interviewed clients, wrote legal briefs-passed the California Bar Exam and then started my own law practice Staff Attorney and then Managing Attorney for Neighborhood Legal Services 716-847-0650 Rochelle Herring, Admin. 8/73-2/78 Board Member Coalition for Health and Welfare- community liaison-wrote Handbooks. 1974-76 Chairperson Erie County Bar Association Committee on Human Rights- 1975-76Head Resident of Co-ed Dormitory State Univ. of New York at Buffalo, assisted in hiring and evaluating staff, counseled staff and students, communicated and implemented housing policies,dealt with emergencies, daily student,staff problems and security operations 9/72-6/73Law Clerk for Law Office of Mattar, Bork, Mattar and D'Agostino 1971/72Tutored in Minority Student Program and worked with women in Jail Project 1971/731969/70 Substitute Teacher Public Schools District of Columbia 1971/73Salesperson and Exercise Instructor at Holiday Health Spa, Washington, D.C.1967/1969 Research Assistant for Dr. Joseph Lee, Anatomy Dept., School of Medicine, State Univ. of N.Y. at Buffalo while working my way through college. A STRONG PART OF MY HERITAGE TAUGHT TO ME IN SCHOOL AND HOME INCLUDES LIVING BY THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. The 10 Commandments -Exodus 201. 1 Am the Lord your God-you shall have no other gods before me.2. You shall not make or worship graven images. 3. You shall not take the name of the Lord in vain. 4. Remember to keep holy the Sabbath. 5. Honor your father and mother. 6. You shall not murder. 7. You shall not commit adultery. 8. You shall not steal 9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. 10. You shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor. |
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