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Full Biography for James E. BourassaCandidate for |
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![]() Jim Bourassa was born in the "Constitution State" of Connecticut From His Wife Mary Bourassa. Jim's history and background is not a typical American story, from his childhood to present day. He was raised in 9 different foster homes. He is the oldest of 6 brothers and sisters who became poverty stricken during the 60's. When Jim was old enough to join the US Navy, he enlisted to serve his country on nuclear powered submarines. He was following in the footsteps of his grandfather and his father who were also submariners. Jim knows what it is like to be cast aside and feels strongly about doing the right thing to help disadvantaged children. He has always given 100% of his time and energy to come to the aid of these children. He once collected enough new schools supplies, clothing, back packs, calculators,and art sets for 40 foster kids. So they would not have to ashamed about starting school with the same things they had the year before. Jim Bourassa is also a Humanitarian As his wife ( Mary), Jim surprises me often with his common sense and ingenious methods to solving problems. Not only in politics, but by rising to the occasion to help people and animals. Jim takes action. A few Examples Remember the 1993 "Flood Victims in the Mid-West"? Jim and his UWSA friends raised $12,000. in 2 weeks. They sent it to the RED CROSS & Salvation Army. April 1st 1998, Jim was watching the TV news and heard of a DOG that was SHOT with an ARROW through it's belly. Jim demanded he wanted to adopt it, when no one else came forward to claim the dog. He then wanted to send a message to all children that this is not what you do to living things for fun. So Jim asked a school of children to come up with a name for our new pooch. The children and teachers learned a valuble lesson in Anti-Animal Abuse. Their reward was to bestow an appropriate name on the dog. They held a schoolwide dog naming contest and gave him the name "CHANCE", for his 2nd Chance on LIFE. Jim is a Founding Creator Of Movements To DO the Right Thing. Jim was one of the 1st founding members of "United We Stand America", a citizens grassroots political education group that went national. This group was formed to help the common man understand politics and educate us in the process of making our elected officials accountable to the People. He then became a TV Talk show host for 2 years by interviewing politicians and other people on how to Reform our Political system. After his producer Ed Zumach died in a fatal car crash, Jim went on with promoting reform in the political arena. He became the 1st State Chairman of a new political party, a grassroots movement called the Reform Party of AZ. This later became a new National political party, the United States of America National Reform Party. By answering the cry for true representation for the people, the Reform party became the fastest growing 3rd party in our nation today. Jim again takes action. He is now spending his own money to run for office as a State Representative in district # 26. (which includes Scottsdale, Tempe and E.Phoenix) Jim quit his job as a Property Manager to do this full time because he believes in doing the right thing and wishes to prove how Campaign Finance Reform can be accomplished. He has already spent nearly $8000 of his own money and has NOT taken any "soft money" from PAC's, Special Interest Groups, or any other organization. Jim has always dreamed of representing good causes since he was a child. He feels Americans don't want politicians who are self-proclaimed leaders. Americans want REPRESENTATION! Leadership comes when one merits the position by doing the job the way the people ask them to do it. Please Take a CHANCE on Jim Bourassa and Vote for Jim this Nov 3rd. See Jim's Web Page <http://www.reformparty.org/bourassa/> or e-mail Jim <America@Futureone.com> Thank You, Respectfully, Mary M. Bourassa |
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Created from information supplied by the candidate: October 24, 1998 19:15
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