Pima County, AZ | November 3, 1998 General |
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Both the Democrats and Republicans Have Failed UsBy Ed KahnCandidate for State Representative; District 14 |
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Little difference between major political partiesBoth the Democrats and Republicans have failed us. Although our Country was founded on the basic principle that Government is a liability to be tolerated by a free people for the sake of peace, order and security, the Democrat party looks to Government as an asset, without which none of us can survive. The Democrat party looks at working people and taxpayers as a gold mine with unlimited resources for Democrats to exploit, spread around and buy votes to keep them in office; or as a free lunch counter; or as a laboratory for their favorite social experiments. On the other hand, the Republican party has a ³big tent²-- a tent big enough to cover anyone from right to left who choses to run as a Republican, and the GOP, too--like the Democrats--believe in raiding the Public Treasury and picking the taxpayer¹s pocket to do whatever Republican politicians deem good or necessary to keep them in office. Previously, Arizona voters had nowhere else to go. But, now, at least voters in Legislative District 14 have a real choice-- the Libertarian party-- a party that runs candidates, who firmly believe in the basic philosophy of our founding fathers, and that the best system for an orderly society in Arizona is one based on minimum Government and maximum personal responsibility. Let me give you an example of the basic difference between Democrats, Republicans and Libertarians: A person comes to your home and asks for a handout. You say ³look fella, both my wife and I go out to work just so we can make ends meet in this day of high taxes and high cost of living. But, we contribute whatever we can to charitable organizations such as the Salvation Army. Go down there and they will help you.² Instead, the person looking for a handout goes down to city Hall or the the State Legislature. The Democrats at City Hall feel his pain and set up a special bureaucracy to aid him and others like him and impose a tax on you in the name of charity or welfare. The Republicans in Phoenix answer this person¹s request for a handout by setting up a special tax district to build a sports complex so that the petitioner can see professional sports and take his mind off his problems. Both Democrats and Republicans violate the principle of Thomas Jefferson that the sum of good government is one ³which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvmenet, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned² (Jefferson¹s First Inaugural Address, March 4, 1801). Both Democrats and Republican politicians directly cause our present economic crisis, where both husband and wife must work just to survive and leave their children unsupervised. Both major political parties take working people¹s money and then spread the money around for ³causes² that each of us would not voluntarily support, if we had a personal choice in the matter. This is wasteful and intrusive Government at its worst, and when I am elected to the Arizona House of Representatives, I will work to end this dangerous spiral towards socialism. I promise to do my best to protect your life, liberty and property and keep Government off your back and out of your wallets. |
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