Santa Clara County, CA | November 3, 1998 General |
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Education is Part of Community ValuesBy Theodore "Ted" McElhoneCandidate for Councilmember; City of Campbell |
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Town's can improve their attractiveness by paying attention to the education of community childrenKelly Elemetary in North Valley experienced a 20+ % variation in K-6 test scores during the 1970-80s,, cycling every two-year or less. The candidate's review with school officials revealed the change was not due to variations in teaching, staff, textbook, facilities, but due to changes in the changes in families moving into the community. The transient family's appreciation of the value of education was brought to the classroom as attention, or deficits in attention, to school work; the lower test results tranferred to lower property values and lower self esteem by residents themselves. North Valley had several decades of problems with educating bright, healthy kids, but had no remedies for the community changes
Westmont H.S. has SAT scores nearly identical to Cupertino; yet, in 1997 Cupertino placed 43 graduates in UC schools while Westmont placed 22, and for approximately the same graduating class size. Lynbrook placed 83 graduates with its 9% higher SAT scores (adjusted for class size ).
The school house had historically been part of the farm community and Town. A century and more ago schools were isolated to protect children from laboring in sweat shops. Today, laws protect children, It's time to return our children to the small Town community and end the artificial separation. This campaign takes the position that a kid's educational result is this small Town's present business, and this Town's future property values. This candidate proposes highly visable, high school level, joint city and school programs supporting students and their search for meaningful careers |
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Created from information supplied by the candidate: October 31, 1998 13:15
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