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The health and environmental research I have conducted for the past 25 years provides me with the special expertise needed to address technical subjects involving water management, water quality, and toxic substances. As a Zone 7 Director, I have worked hard to implement programs that benefit residential water users. For example, I promoted a very successful conservation program that has provided $75 rebates to residents of Dublin, Livermore, and Pleasanton who retrofitted their homes with low-flush toilets. As a means of improving the reliability of our water supply system, I supported efforts to recharge groundwater supplies and to develop new wells to provide additional water-production capacity. Today our water supply system is undoubtedly one of the most reliable in the Bay Area! I am also committed to efforts that will improve the quality of drinking water, such as an innovative strategy for reducing salts in our groundwater supplies that was recently developed by Zone 7 staff working with a citizen advisory committee. Finally, my highest priority will be to ensure that Zone 7 completes the infrastructure needed to supply water far into the 21st century.