Contra Costa County, CA | March 7, 2000 Election |
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There is a great need to diversify transportation needs in Eastern Contra Costa County.By Sandra FredricksonCandidate for Supervisor; County of Contra Costa; District 5 |
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We need to work toward finding alternatives to help diversify these needs in east county.How many times do you look into a bus and see one or two riders. We need to ask riders and non riders alike what would make them feel comfortable using this type of alternative transportation and activly address these needs so that the system can be more user friendly. We spend a lot of our tax dollars for this service. We need our county representatives to engage in dialoge with the Railroad companies to see if it is feasible for both parties to implement a commuter rail system and then create this type of system if it is. There are tracks already in use in every community in east county. This rail system could take our commuters into the Tri-Valley and Central county areas where most of our citizens work and aleviate the traffic congestion on our highways. I realize these issues take hard work and a lot of time if they are to materilize, but that is what a representative is to do, represent our needs as constituents and work for us. I will be this person if you elect me to be your supervisor on March 7, 2000. |
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Created from information supplied by the candidate: February 22, 2000 20:37
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