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Political Philosophy for Julie Padilla
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My political philosophy is guided by the following values: social justice, ecological wisdom, grassroots democracy, nonviolence, community-based economics, respect for diversity, and personal and global responsibility. I believe in government BY and FOR the people: as mayor, I will be beholden to the people, all of the people, not just the developers and the moneyed interest. I believe in freedom of CHOICE: as mayor I will allow the people to decide whether or not they wish to medicate themselves via the water supply and whether or not they wish to bear the burden of an $80,000,000 loan to the Kings. I believe in the power of compassion and in helping the downtrodden and the disenfranchised: as mayor, I will make it a priority to see that everybody has a decent place to sleep. The homeless don't need to be further marginalized; they need to be included in the process, as the ones most intimately acquainted with their situations, in an effort to arrive at real solutions. I believe in preventative measures: as mayor I will be a strong advocate for spending more time, energy and resources on our city's youth, rather than on building more jails. I believe in community: as mayor I will be the strongest advocate for families (in whatever form; i.e. NO on Knight), neighborhoods, small businesses, public transportation, and all aspects of our society that enhance our experience as a healthy, united community. I believe in preservation: as mayor I will advocate for preservation of the historic buildings that make Sacramento a unique and interesting place to live. I believe in respect and dignity for all: as mayor I will be on the forefront of our struggles to understand and value our different religions, cultures, and sexual orientations. And, finally, I believe in modeling behavior: as mayor, I will be the first to practice what I preach as I have done with my stance on campaign finance reform (I am the only candidate who has adhered to Common Cause and the League of Women Voters' recommended contribution limits). |
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Created from information supplied by the candidate: February 9, 2000 13:09
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