Santa Clara County, CA | March 7, 2000 Election |
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The Calpine Power PlantBy Forrest WilliamsCandidate for Member, City Council; City of San Jose; District 2 |
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The Mayor and City Council should stop the Calpine project as soon as possible. No feasibility study or environmental impact report will change the reality of the situation, The residents of South San Jose do not want a power plant in their backyards.Despite the claims of other candidates in this election, As a Planning Commissioner for the City of San Jose from 1991 to 1999, I was the first person to fight against any heavy industrial zoning in Coyote Valley. I fought as a planning commissioner to prevent any heavy industry, such as the Calpine Power Plant from being a part of Coyote Valley's future during the General Plan amendment process. This zoning process created the blueprint for any future development in District 2 and the Coyote Valley. Specifically regarding the Calpine Power Plant, I have attended community meetings to hear both sides of the issue; met with Calpine representatives; spoken to labor representatives; reviewed the General Plan history as it relates to North Coyote Valley and the present campus industry designation; reviewed the reserve and the triggers for housing; and reviewed the Green Belt and its significance as it relates to sprawl. Most importantly, I have walked throughout the neighborhoods of our community and surveyed the residents on this issue- they are strongly opposed to the rezoning. As I walked the community, I was asked for my position. I informed residents that I was gathering information and studying the positive and negative impacts to the community if a power generating plant was constructed in the proposed location. I needed to determine if a power generating plant was the appropriate gateway into North Coyote Valley. I have completed my assessment and my position is as follows: I strongly oppose the General Plan Amendment to change the Campus Industrial designation to Heavy Industrial in Coyote Valley for the purpose of constructing a power generating plant. It was not the intent of the General Plan to zone this area for heavy industry because of the negative impacts on future development in Coyote Valley. The Campus Industrial zoning is appropriately designated and should be maintained to promote high quality, community compatible development in Coyote Valley. I fully support the community in their opposition. I will continue to work for an alternative location, away from neighborhoods and families. Basis for my position: · Calpine has not convinced the community that this rezoning will be a benefit to our neighborhoods. · Heavy industry is incompatible with the surrounding community and future development in Coyote Valley. · If this rezoning is approved, other heavy industrial rezoning will follow. Increased heavy industrial zoning will bring more pollution and possible toxic contamination into our community. · The location proposed for rezoning is not a necessary location for a power generating plant. The plant can be located at other points on the power grid away from our community. |
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