Santa Cruz County, CA | March 7, 2000 Election |
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Government Run Public Schools need to be controled from the bottomBy O. Robert "Bob" WelchCandidate for Member of the Libertarian Party Central Committee; County of Santa Cruz |
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There isn't any one right way to run a school program. Therefore the local teachers and parents should be allowed to control the school program as they desire.California schools are at the bottom of the nation's schools. Neither the state or federal government has the answers that have shown to work. No one method is best for every school or grade the nation or in the state. The state and the federal government must let go of controlling and mandating form the top and allow every school to do what they see as the best method for them to meet the education goals of their community. Teacher Unions versa Professional Teacher Associations Teacher Unions are to opposed as not having the goals of the parents their goals. Teachers must improve their performance so as to mandate professional salaries. Administration of professionals The cost of administration should stay below 5% of the personnel budget. Restrict administrative functions to benefits administration, building, procuring, disposal and allocation of space. Teachers specify the books, materiel, tools and furniture they need to accomplish their task. Thinking outside the box Nine or ten hour school day with morning and afternoon rest periods. All students stay for the complete day. No jobs, no cars, no commercial sport, drama or art programs during the school day. Spectator events to be sponsored by non school organizations, such as the Boulder Creek Socker Bears. Elimination of "GRADES" as in the third grade. Each student to find his own level in each subject. Social promotion is then not an issue. Tutor help provided as student need is determined. The tutor may be a upper level student or a parent. Older, qualified students to teach yhounger students as well as grade paper, monitor play ground, police facilities. Increase present 180 days of instruction to 340 days a year. Two week vacation days to be taken at the student/parent's choice any time of the year. Eleven holidays. No in-service days for the teachers. Test each student on 10% of radom questions from the material to be covered. No cheating. No teaching to the test. Less testing time. More learning. |
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