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Political Philosophy for Nicholas "Nick" Mraovich
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A N A M E R I C A N C L A S S I C JUST LIKE... "MR SMITH GOES TO WASHINGTON" STARRING JIMMY STEWART (1939) Just like Jimmy Stewart's character in one of Frank Capra's most loved films, Mr. Smith Goes To Washington, I am a sincere and honest newcomer to politics who wants "to make a difference." I want to restore the fabric of trust between the American people and their elected federal officials in 2000! In the movie Jimmy Stewart plays Jefferson Smith, the "average Joe" who thinks he can make a difference but runs into men with power and crooked politicians. However, in the typical style of director Capra, the good guy wins! SEND MRAOVICH TO WASHINGTON... As a sincere "good guy" and responsible citizen who is part of America's working families, I want to be "your" Congressman & Representative--not just being "the" Congressman only. I want to replace the incumbent, a career politician who has been entrenched in Washington for almost 26 years. Isn't it time we sent the professional politicians a message--that politics shouldn't be a lifetime job? The Founding Fathers envisioned a legislature accountable to the people. They wanted a true "citizen legislature" with members debating and enacting laws that they would then turn around and live under themselves. It would be unthinkable for our Founding Fathers to image full-time politicians who become entrenched in Washington and removed from the very people who elect them. Regarding the "Mr. Smith Goes To Washington," I recommend renting this patriotic American classic at your local video store. It has incredible power and inspires thought! You'll come away from this movie with a smiling face and a high heart. Unfortunately, patriotism is less valued today than it was back in 1939. Incidents like Watergate, Iran-Contra and recent scandals have continued to make today's American's cynical about government and politicians in general. Over the years Americans everywhere have been turning away from politics--not bothering to vote, not bothering to hope. When the majority of citizens fail to vote, they allow a minority to make decisions that affect us all. WE CAN CHANGE THIS! Let's get America back on the right track! Get out to vote and send Nick Mraovich to Washington as "your" next Congressman & Representative. I will bring a new, fresh approach to Washington as a citizen legislator, not as a career politican. The central theme of my campaign will focus on "building a greater sense of community, family values and security for Contra Costa County, Solano County and America." Your vote & support is greatly appreciated. |
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Created from information supplied by the candidate: February 6, 2000 13:26
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