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As an alumnus of UC Berkeley and Antioch University with degrees in Philosophy and Urban Studies and Planning, I am a capable candidate with practical hands-on experiences in fields of urban economic development, and e-commerce. I possess a wealth of knowledge of mixed-use affordable housing developments using California's tax credits and tax-exempt bond financing. My community involvement has been extensive including holding previous posts of member Alameda County Democratic Central Committee, Commissioner of Alameda County Human Relations Commission, former congressional assistant, and member of City-UC Berkeley Community Affairs Committee. I conducted nationwide military hearings and issued final determination rulings on racial, sexual and age discrimination cases for the National Guard Bureau. I participated in White House advisory sessions to three former U.S. Presidents on proposed minority procurement policy. In 1985, I testified before Congress on the Voting Rights' Act. I advised Chief of Staff to U. S. Senate Subcommittee on Small Business. As noted in the book, "And The Walls Came Tumbling Down," I was an advisor to the prominent late civil rights leader Dr. Ralph David Abernathy.
In this 21st Century, my background fits uniquely into the new vision for compassionate consensus approach to solving Berkeley's community and civic issues. I am presently a Commissioner on the Berkeley Zoning Adjustments Board.