This information is provided by the candidate
- I believe judges have an obligation to follow and enforce the law; they should not legislate from the bench.
- Violent juveniles and gang members should receive swift punishment the first and every time they are convicted of a crime.
- Young kids have no business on our streets after curfew in the hours when most graffit and crimes occur. We must strictly enforce existing curfew laws.
- Juveniles who commit adult crimes should face trial as adults.
- 12 years of service as Judge Pro Tem have taught me the value of taking firm control of the cases before me. Judges must be on the alert for potential loopholes or technicalities that could put justice on the back burner.
- Needless trial delays waste tax dollars and clog our courts. I've earned a reputation as Judge Pro Tem for moving cases along and clearing backlogs in crowded court calendars.