(Vote for 2)
Frank M. Herrera
2187 votes
26.2% (This candidate has not responded to SmartVoter)
Esmeralda Martinez
1604 votes
19.2% (This candidate has not responded to SmartVoter)
- Occupation: Paralegal / Office Clerk
- Phone: 661-720-9483; Email:
Raul J. Alvizo
1595 votes
19.1% (This candidate has not responded to SmartVoter)
Wendy D. Pulido
1514 votes
18.1% (This candidate has not responded to SmartVoter)
Kevin L. Williams
1454 votes
17.4% (This candidate has not responded to SmartVoter)
- Occupation: Maintenance Worker
Basic candidate data supplied by the County elections official.
Order of candidates is random and changes daily.
Links to sources outside of Smart Voter are provided for information only and do not imply endorsement.