(Vote for 2)
Andy Stenderup
166 votes
25.6% (This candidate has not responded to SmartVoter)
Francisca P. Hernandez
129 votes
19.9% (This candidate has not responded to SmartVoter)
Alejandra Segura
126 votes
19.4% (This candidate has not responded to SmartVoter)
- Occupation: Teacher's Aide
Julie Gibson
121 votes
18.7% (This candidate has not responded to SmartVoter)
- Occupation: Secondary School Educator
Juan Rivera
72 votes
11.1% (This candidate has not responded to SmartVoter)
Joe Tapia
34 votes
5.2% (This candidate has not responded to SmartVoter)
- Occupation: Operations Manager
Basic candidate data supplied by the County elections official.
Order of candidates is random and changes daily.
Links to sources outside of Smart Voter are provided for information only and do not imply endorsement.