Los Angeles County, CA | November 7, 2000 Election |
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Questions and AnswersBy David ColeCandidate for Member of the City Council; City of Santa Monica |
![]() This information is provided by the candidate |
Questions similar to ones ask by The League of Women Voters of Santa Monica of all the City Council Candidates.David why are you running for Santa Monica City Council? Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Isn't that what we've always heard. Well I believe it's true. When any `single issue' association of persons controls a government then only their friends and associates have a voice and get heard. Their friends get appointed to boards, commissions and committees. Others in such a community become uneasy and rarely speak out. They risk being outcast and shunned. Nobody should have to live in such a community. Democracy requires a balance of people and thoughts. Santa Monica needs this balance to become healthy again. Whether you agree or disagree with the ruling party of Santa Monica common sense tells us that whole groups of people and their opinions are being left behind. I'm running to provide a voice for all the people # not just the few dozen like-minded individuals. If elected what kind of growth do you favor in the coming years and what do you think about park space? If the current Council majority continues or Pro-Development candidates are elected then the future will hold much more development. Well over one million square feet of new commercial/office development has been recently approved by this Council and will be going up in the near future. The current Council requires an increasing tax base to fund the many social programs (some noble) and political experiments. The Pro-Development candidates will need to satisfy the special interests that get them elected. I'm simply a concerned resident that would put the brakes on commercial development until we have a Master Plan for the future of our City. I realize that a growing economy requires new commercial/office space. I strongly support rehabilitating buildings that we already have. Preserving others when possible and thoughtful re-development of parcels. But, I don't support new structures that add to our daily burdens and degrade our quality of life. Regarding parks, everyone knows we need more park space and playing fields. While the issue has been studied over and over and a plan approved little is being done. Look around do you see new parks? Sure, there are big plans. Yes, the Rand property will someday have an acre or two of open space. Big deal! Where are the other new open spaces? There aren't any. Lets just build Virginia Park! Lets just buy some land to develop into parks! Let's stop talking and just do it! The Council made education its number one priority in this year's budget. From your perspective what does this mean? More important then my perspective is that education was the number one priority of the community when Council was deliberating the budget for this current year. I know this because I was there. I like so many others I was there advocating for more money for our public school system. But, I was among a very vocal few who wanted the City to require of the district some accountability standards. The Council and District fought the idea desperately. It became clear that our small group would not go away and the press on the issue became intense. The Council adopted accountability language and now the incumbents speak of it as if it was their own idea. They should be ashamed. The community spoke of assuring that education is available to pre-school age children and I agree. What was not really discussed is the need to support all persons who want to learn pre-school through senior citizen. A true life-long learning community is just that- life long. Childcare was also determined to be a top priority and I agree entirely. Hundreds of children in Santa Monica are waiting to obtain a place in a childcare facility. We need to help provide for this vital need in our community. As long as we have a budget surplus we should give to the school system. And we should, as a community, go to Sacramento and make it known that the state must make education a top priority when they have their budget deliberations. There appears to be a growing shortfall of affordable housing in Santa Monica What do you see as the impact on the community and how would you address this? Clearly, times are changing in Santa Monica's housing market. We must always remember that because of rent control our City has long had a very large stock of affordable housing and still does. True, as units empty they are returning to fair-market rents and over time this will continue to change the mix of Santa Monica. I support rent control and I support the City continuing to build affordable units. I also would like to see our community create housing that renters can purchase to provide a more secure future for themselves and their children. At greatest risk are the seniors in our community. I think we need to be much more creative and provide for their futures as well. Land costs are rising and affordable housing developers blame land costs for the slowdown in new projects and the need to combine residents and businesses in mixed-use buildings. Who wants to live above business? Few people I suspect. Who says that we can't build smaller units, the City Council does. And the City Council has all along had the power to increase density on affordable projects. As a Councilperson I would listen to the people and help guide the community in the direction that it picks to go in. I support diversity in our community. I support affordable housing. I support rent control! |
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Created from information supplied by the candidate: October 9, 2000 05:30
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