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John W. Lantz holds a Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering from California State Polytechnic University and is a Masters Candidate at California State University Fullerton. He is a registered Civil Engineer and holds American Water Works Association Distribution Operator and Department of Health Services Water Treatment Operator licenses. Mr. Lantz has 33 years of engineering and management experience with two Southern California municipal water and power agencies. He worked for the City of Riverside for 20 years where he became the Water System Manager prior to taking the position of Assistant General Manager-Water Systems with the City of Burbank.
Mr. Lantz is the president of the Upper Los Angeles River Area(ULARA)Watermaster. ULARA represents the groundwater interests of Los Angeles, Burbank, Glendale, La Crescenta and San Fernando as parties in the basin adjudication. He is Chairman of the Interagence Coordinating Committee(ICC). The ICC is composed or regulatory agencies and water producers involved in groundwater contamination and clean-up activities in the San Fernando Basin.