(Vote for 3)
Brian E. Conley
69,855 votes
31.2% (This candidate has not responded to Smart Voter)
- Occupation: Governing Board Member, Rancho Santiago Community College District
Michael "Mike" Ortell
62,419 votes
27.9% (This candidate has not responded to Smart Voter)
- Occupation: Governing Board Member, Rancho Santiago Community College District
Enriqueta L. Ramos
59,043 votes
26.4% (This candidate has not responded to Smart Voter)
- Occupation: Program Development Specialist
James C. Kaufman
32,415 votes
14.5% (This candidate has not responded to Smart Voter)
- Occupation: Computer Technician
Basic candidate data supplied by the County elections official.
Order of candidates is random and changes daily.
News and Analysis
Orange County Register
Links to sources outside of Smart Voter are provided for information only and do not imply endorsement.