The information on this page and on all pages linked below is provided by the candidate.
The League of Women Voters neither supports nor
opposes any political party or candidate.
Biographical Highlights
Occupation: Businessman/ Community Activist
Developed an emergency-preparedness plan for North Sacramento while serving as a trustee for the American River Flood Control District
Founded 4th of July Children's Parade and Halloween Pumpkin Carving Day while President of the Woodlake Improvement Club
Lead renaissance of Del Paso Boulevard as Revitalization Coordinator
As a founding member of the areas Congress of Neighborhoods I brought thirteen neighborhood associations together to tackle problems as a region
While former owner & publisher of North Sacramento Journal I gave North Sacramento a unified voice that brought attention to the area's problems
Top Priorities if Elected
My #1 concern is safe streets & safe schools. We've made progress in this area but improving crime statistics does not translate into feeling safe
I'm very aware of our schools' problems; my kids go to school in the district and my wife is a teacher so quality education is a big concern for me
Finally, we need to concentrate on infrastructure. This means good sidewalks, curbs, gutters, streets, street lights, code enforcement, etc.
Key Endorsements
Sacramento Bee Newspaper 2/17/2000
Sacramento Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce
Kim Mueller, Former Sacramento City Council Member