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Sandra L. "Sandy" Humphries
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The questions were prepared by the Los Altos - Mountain View League of Women Voters and asked of all candidates for this office.
Read the answers from all candidates.
1. What is your vision for Los Altos Hills and how would you implement it?
My vision is to maintain the Rural Country Atmosphere, that brought us all here to build our dream homes, while incorporating the hightechnology needs of Silicon Valley. Adjust for ample green spaces between properties as homes grow larger, this prevents excessive fencing keeping an open country look. Planting wild life corridores and maintaining healthy eco systems to suppport and direct wildlife. prevent sick animals and lessen their intrusion. Open or no fencing especially along creeks allows the wildlife to follow the same pathes they have always traveled rather then jumping into fenced yards in bewilderment.I invision a town that uses Smart Planning along with it's technological abilities to come up with creative solutions to drainage problems like using paver stones instead of asphalt for driveways allowing the water to permeate through our surfaces instead of flood onto our neighbors land.
Look into the possibility of undergrounding utilities is important, but I believe the wave of the future is going to be fiber optics and this is some thing to be explored by a staff of professionals.
I invision a town that celebrates it's ethnic diversities finds it's many commonalities and unites in educating through topical lecture series, cultural art exhibits or culinary pot lucks.
2. How should Los Altos Hills accommodate individual building design to lessen the impact of development on the land, such as drainage erosion or visual impact?
The very good solution is to incorporate Smart Planning, incorporating health, safety and environmental issues into the process. Some examples are; using the paver stones or grass creet blocks instead of asphalt helps water runoff, using a slope density formula on hillsides using meandering roadways that have less flow through traffic and connecting them with pathways. This is a safer healthier environment to raise your family and allows for more open space areas.
3. What are the short term issues facing Los Altos Hills, and how would you address them?
Updating the Land Use Element by using the Town Wide Survey questionnaire prepared by the Land Use Committee a non partisan committee. This questionnaire would give us an idea of what items in the towns growth process the residents want to see adjustments in. Then go back with spacific ideas and town wide meetings to make the adjustments needed.Rebuilding a town staff of experts who are knowledgable articulate and individual thinkers. This is vital. Our current backlog for lack of expert staff is hurting the progressive ideas we are trying to implement.
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