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Los Angeles County, CA | April 10, 2001 Election |
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Under A Miller's Administration the Quality of Life Will Be Better for Our Seniors and Young PeopleBy Addie Mae MillerCandidate for Mayor; City of Los Angeles |
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Our Seniors are in their Golden Years and should be treated with RESPECT and provided with all necessities that is allowed by City government. I cherished the precious Seniors and I will do all I can to help them and I will do all I can to help the Young People. I guarantee all of you, that you will be elated and proud to have me as your Mayor. Thank You.Addie Mae Miller's 5 Point Senior Citizen Protection Plan Under Miller's Administration 5 things will be done to improve the Quality of Life for our Seniors Citizens: 1. Senior Citizen Call and Response Team; A Special Unit within the LAPD that strictly focuses on crimes against our Seniors. This Special Unit will be a highly professional and highly trained Specialists Team in the LAPD that responds to all financial crimes in cases of Elder abuse. Specialize Detectives will handle Extra Special problems 2. Financial Institutions; Far to often, in many cases our Seniors citizens are expected to stand in lines, for long periods of time. Our handicap citizens and Seniors citizens are just not able to stand in line in some our financial institutions. I we insist that all financial institutions have a Senior's desk. 3. Fire Inspections; I will insist we do more fire inspections in nursing homes and convalescent hospitals. We have many Seniors citizens in Convalescent hospitals that are in deplorable conditions. 4. Energy relief; reducing Electrical costs for our Senior Citizens and reducing Water costs for our Senior Citizens, is the least we can do. I believe the current situation is not fair for our Senior Citizens. 5. Property tax relief; Major reduction for our Seniors. I will lobby the County and State to lower property taxes for our Seniors. Why shouldn't our Seniors pay less? Especially in our poorer neighborhoods. We have in many cases Senior Citizens who live in more affluent communities of our City. However, they are on a fixed budget just like anyone else. Their wealth comes from the value of their home and their cash on hand is just low as anyone else. Many of our Seniors are suffering! Many Seniors must decide if they are to EAT or pay for Heat! Under Miller's Administration, circumstances will be better for our Senior Citizens and Young People. Our Youth Deserve Better: it is awful, to label all Young People a gang members. Many of our Youth are gifted with many good talents, as mayor I will be instrumental in establishing programs throughout the City for our Youth to enhance their skills. It is a shame, our Youth have limited resources within the City. The Youth are our future. As Mayor I will also direct the City Transportation department to provide stronger traffic enforcement to "Protect our Kids. © Dr. Addie Mae Miller 2001 Addie Mae Miller's 3 STEP SOLUTION to the "YOUTH CRISIS" As you are well aware, many of our Young People are in trouble! Tours to the Morgue for troubled Youth in nothing more than "Friday 13th at the County Morgue. This is a disgrace and obscene!" We have to teach positive VALUES, not having our children walking around looking at dead people. Under a MILLER"S ADMINISTRATION, I will implement a 3 STEP Solution for the Youth Crisis. STEP 1.) Establish a 'NO BAIL POLICY' for Drug and Firearm related crimes in or 1000 meters of school campuses! I would think if we can protect airplanes, we could protect our schools. We can learn a lesson from Airport Security and protect our Schools. We can provide our schools with Anti-Drug methods to ensure the well-being of our Kids. STEP 2.) Secure Corporate Resources and Job Fairs for our Youth. We can do more and should do more. Every school has an Academic and Corporate Partners to support the development of YOUNG Minds. Step 3.) Enhance YOUTH mental health services. This is a clear-cut task! Under a Miller's Administration we will help our Young PEOPLE with the development of Social Skills. We must get our children on the RIGHT PATH. Prayer back in our schools, bring social respect back into our schools that includes curtailing the amount of TRASHY VIDEOS and trash on our radios, that these kids are EXPOSED to at a early age. We must provide enforcement "ahead" of the problem, "NOT BEHIND" the problem 'after the FACT!' IF, a child has a weapon and displays violence "then we take the CHILD to the County Morgue??" ISN'T THAT CATCHING THE PROBLEM "AFTER" THE FACT? We have to work with our Teachers and our Parents to form new partnerships in our community; we have to build trust that people and children FEEL SAFE with their law enforcement departments. Our law enforcement departments has to show respect for our children by investing their time with our children, AGGRESSIVE SPORTS AND RECREATION PROGRAMS AND AGGRESSIVE COMMUNITY OUTREACH PROGRAMS. We don't need to create programs to admit we have failed our society. Failure is not an option when it comes to the well-being of our YOUNG PEOPLE. We as Adults need to give the children every kind of positive experience "NOT" FRIDAY 13th at the County Morgue. This is admitting and accepting failure. Young People need positive role models, they need a positive UP-BEAT LIFE PLAN, they need APPROPRIATE COUNSELING AND EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES OF "SUPPORT", they need SOCIAL OPPORTUNITIES, and PARENTS need to be involved. We as an Adult society don't need to create programs to ADMIT that we as an Adult society have failed our YOUNG PEOPLE and programs to ADMIT we aren't going anywhere in dealing with the failure of our SOCIETY. WE MUST TEACH POSITIVE VALUES, not walking around looking at dead people. Why don't our CURRENT elected government officials INVEST TAXPAYERS' MONEY TO STOP THE DRUGS COMING INTO OUR COMMUNITY, WHY DON'T OUR CURRENT elected government officials INVEST THE TAXPAYERS' MONEY IN "PREVENTING" FIREARMS FROM COMING ON OUR JUNIOR AND SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL CAMPUSES? When you go to LAX you can't get a firearm inside the terminal, "SURELY" WE CAN COMMIT THE SAME SECURITY FOR OUR SCHOOLS! Respectfully Submitted by, Addie Mae Miller © Dr. Addie Mae Miller 2001 |
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