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I am a native of Southern California and have lived with my wife, Susan, in the Pasadena Area Community College District since 1987. My career in education began as a math teacher and coach at El Monte High School. I next worked for UCLA Extension where I developed the certificate program, "Microcomputers in the Classroom." I have been Pasadena City College's Dean of Computing Services since 1986. Susan is a fifth grade teacher in El Monte and our daughter, Piper, is studying to be a teacher. I earned my bachelor's degree from Occidental College. In addition, I have master's degrees in both history and educational administration. My doctorate is from UCLA, with an emphasis on research and policy analysis.
I am a leader in educational technology, having served as president of the California Association of Directors of Academic Computing and chair the California Educational Computing Consortium. At this time my volunteer activities focus on Occidental College where I am a member of the Alumni Board of Governors, member of the President's Circle, president of the Occidental Business Associates, and founder of the Cyber Tigers (alumni technology advisory group). My hobby is reading with a focus on history and the theory of chaos and complexity.