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I am a native Californian and an active volunteer in the Marin Community. I was born in Los Angeles, moved to the Bay Area when I was seven, graduated from public high school in Pleasanton, CA, and went on for an undergraduated degree in French from Central College in Pella, IA. I returned to California after graduation and continued my education at Berkeley, where I earned an MBA in Finance. I have been a business owner, with my husband, Steven, in Marin for over 17 years. Our businesses have done everything from real estate development to manufacturing and distributing the Beep 'n Keep Key Finder. I am currently the Financial Manager for a start up company called International Fire Resistant Systems, Inc. located in San Rafael. I am the mother of two wonderful children, Jeffrey, a freshman at University of the Pacific and Courtney, a high school junior. I live in the Los Ranchitos area, the newest section of the Dixie School District. Prior to that, I lived for 10 years on Lucas Valley Road across from upper Lucas Valley.
I have spent 13 years serving on various community boards including: Osher Marin Jewish Community Center, where I held positions as treasurer and vice president; Brandeis Hillel Day School; United Jewish Community Centers of the Bay Area. I have also, in recent years, served on various committees with the Jewish Family and Children Services and was a volunteer for 3 years with the Film Institute of Northern California. Additionally, I have volunteered at every school my children have attended during their academic careers, most recently as the Chair of Safe and Sober Grad Night 2001 at Terra Linda High School. Earlier this year, I was asked to be on the Blue Ribbon Commission on School District Organization which studied the impact of the current petition before the State Board of Education for reorganizing the Dixie School District to include Terra Linda High School. Currently, I am mentoring a senior from San Rafael High School in a college mentoring program sponsored by the Marin Education Fund.