- Occupation: Business Executive
- Extensive Wall Street experience in valuing corporate assets and pricing long-term energy contracts.
- Experience in energy venture capital, evaluating technologies that lower costs and help the environment.
- Undergraduate and graduate work in public sector economics at Harvard University.
- Law degree from Yale Law School, where I was Senior Editor of the Yale Journal on Regulation.
- Long record of service to our community.
Top Priorities if Elected |
- Competence, not ideology - after November 6, the question isn't whether to have MUD, but how to implement it most effectively. That's why I'm running
- Achieve reliable power at the lowest possible cost, through proper valuation and negotiation for the acquisition of assets and power contracts.
- Investment in expanded transmission capacity to eliminate the need for dirty generation within San Francisco.
- Sierra Club
- League of Conservation Voters
- National Womens Political Caucus