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Full Biography for Fel Anthony Amistad
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Fel Anthony Amistad Occupation: Finance manager/parent My qualifications for SMUHSD Trustee are as follows: When my father worked for the US Navy many years ago in the accounting/audit division, he had just survived World War II in the Pacific Front. As an accountant by profession who worked and went to school on his own, he worked in many locales. He was a loyal soldier who wanted to better himself. He never received support from family or friends. He was on his own at 14 years of age when he left home to work for someone else and obtain schooling. That experience influenced his perception of life. He was able to get a college degree on his own, and work at a fair wage to support his family and put me through the best schools. He believed that education was the key out of poverty and illiteracy. That drive influences me today. I earned my degrees from hard work and merit scholarships. As a valedictorian of my high school class, I earned the respect of my colleagues. Today, I want our youth to learn and follow our leaders so they too can succeed and feel empowered. Today, my father and mother remind me that education is the key to our future success. Do not compromise or sacrifice a good, quality education. My mother was a teacher by profession who influenced me as well. She believed that education was not only essential but vital to our self-esteem. Today, I value their wise words. I believe that any child deserves the best. Education should be at the top of the list. Those who value their future lives should value a good education. We all have the potential to excel. I am a resident of San Mateo. My 7 year old daughter, Christine, attends second grade at George Hall Elementary. I am actively involved in many civic and community organizations. My family and I have stayed in this Peninsula area for many years. My company is located in the area where I manage and oversee financial and mortgage underwriting matters. I am also professionally educated and trained in business and law. I hold an MBA in finance, and accounting and finance matters preoccupy my day to day life. I want to ensure that the Board has competent leaders who can best allocate resources to benefit everyone. I want to contribute and volunteer my time to our students so they too can be better members of society. I am familiar with all schools in this District. I have visited them, and I have met with principals, assistant principals, school staff, and students. I also attend PTA meetings and District Board meetings. Because my family and relatives attended the schools in this area, I have a stake in knowing about the educational needs of our youth. As a candidate for SMUHSD I want to ensure accountability and fiscal responsibility of taxpayer money to maximize scholastic excellence. I want the top priority to go to our children. Their education must not be taken for granted or compromised. Education is my priority. Experience: I am the California Health Initiatives Co-Chairman for Finance (helping uninsured Californians). I was selected for this position by the Board of CHI based on my credentials. I am a San Mateo Chamber of Commerce member. I strongly support the business community. I will corroborate with businesses to offer apprenticeships for students during summer breaks. High school young adults need mentoring and role models for future careers. Past work experience: Bank of America Loan and Finance Managing Officer. Great Western Bank financial officer Contra Costa Legal Aid: Unlawful detainer action legal aid Kaiser Permanente Hospital Volunteer Research Stanford Medical Center Research Assistant I am a graduate of the San Mateo County Citizens Academy and I received a commendation from the Board of Supervisors afer participating in it. I have extensive community contact with all sectors of this District. I want to ensure that the District receives all the right attention and services from the local and county governments. Our students benefit at the end. I was a Junior Chamber of Commerce President in 1990-1. I was a Junior Achievement graduate involved in setting up a business relationship with high school students. I am a George Hall Elementary PTA Member since 2000 to the current. I also offered to be a PTA Volunteer for math tutoring at George Hall. Education is my priority. I understand the needs of this school district. I have spent considerable time attending SMUHSD Board meetings to keep current with all issues affecting our students and schools. I want open dialogue with parents and schools. I have extensive experience in budgeting, strategic planning and resolving finance issues for troubled clients and businesses. As an experienced business owner, manager, and professional, the need to stay vigilant and cognizant of economic trends is important to the District. I have visited all the schools in the area and I believe more improvement is needed in the expansion of libraries and math-science centers. Teacher retention and recruitment should remain also a top priority. I am also a "free lance writer" and business columnist for various media groups. I free lance for the San Francisco Examiner. I also write for the Independent Newspaper, as a real estate-finance columnist. I have written articles for other magazines and newspapers during the last 20 years. I have knowledge of events and influences in this region. I want to inform and enrich the lives of our district's citizenry. As a Board member, I will ensure open, direct dialogue with everyone. Education: B.A. Human Biology Stanford University, MBA University of Phoenix, Juris Doctor (Fall 2001) Southern California University for Professional Studies, JFK School of Law, Walnut Creek. Other: Member of the League of Women Voters. Member San Mateo Glendale Village Special Olympics Member. Lions Club Member Golden Gate Chapter. JAYCEES District 17, past president 1990-1 Volunteer St Anthony's Food Relief, "Thanksgiving Day" I have participated in many more civic and nonprofit organizations. Feel free to contact me for more references and information. Thank you. /s/ FEL ANTHONY AMISTAD SMUHSD Candidate Vote on Nov 6, 2001. |
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Created from information supplied by the candidate: November 1, 2001 08:50
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