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San Mateo County, CA | November 6, 2001 Election |
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Elliot and Plock Candidacies for GSDBy James ElliotCandidate for Board Member; Granada Sanitary District |
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John Plock and Jim Elliot believe that the duties of the Board of Directors of the Granada Sanitary District are first and foremost, to provide environmentally safe and efficient service to taxpayers within the district. Ineffective Action by Current Board Safe service for the community has not been provided in the past as evidenced by the Contamination Warning Signs now posted on the beach in Pillar Point Harbor north of "Barbara's Fish Trap". Elliot and Plock view stopping pollution of the harbor as our highest priority. Some claim that this has been a problem for 17 years. This is no excuse for virtually nonexistent action. We have requested any GSD documentation of any solicitations or contracts for action to stop the pollution of the harbor and have been told that there are none and that any testing done has been by other agencies. Granada Sanitary has apparently not spent a dime towards solving this problem. Elliot and Plock Have Valuable Related Experience John plock and Jim Elliot are the only candidates that have experience and knowledge related to the operation of a Sanitary District that will make it possible to solve this "chronic" contamination problem. Jim Elliot has years of past experience as a licensed General Engineering Contractor designing, bidding, and managing installation of pipelines. John Plock is a retired Civil Engineer with many years of experience as a City Director of Public Works and a lifetime of experience throughout the world dealing with developing and maintaining clean water supplies. Elliot and Plock Know and Respect the LCP Jim Elliot's personal and work experience on the Coastside has given him an intimate knowledge of the Local Coastal Program's requirements and zoning regulations. In fact, Jim recently advised GSD administration, engineers and directors that they had for years been ignoring GSD's responsibility to notify County Planning Officials (responsible for LCP enforcement) of planned improvements in the district. Their (engineers) apparently agreed that this was not done and have stated that they will comply in the future and will advise the board at the next meeting. No Need Demonstrated For a New Building Some candidates support construction of a new building, we oppose this without a demonstration of need. Jim Elliot has asked GSD for any economic analysis related to development of a new building. Their response was that although district funds have apparently been spent to obtain a design build proposal, no needs assessment has apparently been performed and the CPA responsible for district finances has not been consulted. No other figures are available to support expenditure of at least $500,000 of ratepayer's funds. Jim Elliot and John Plock believe that the proposal of current directors to develop a new building for office space and to pay for it with District Reserves is not based on need or sound economic analysis. As directors, we will consider all proposals from any source that can be shown to advance the ability of the GSD to provide better more economic service to the district. If a building were shown to be a wise choice, John Plock and Jim Elliot do have the experience to see that the project was designed and executed most economically. Need for GSD Expansion Not Demonstrated We reject the concept of Granada Sanitary District's becoming a "Community Services District" as supported by our some. As a district, we already pay for and San Mateo County already provides the same services that would be covered; there has been no plan generated showing what such a district would do, how much it would cost, who would pay for it or how it would be operated. San Mateo County has just engaged in negotiations to spend between $5,000,000-$7,000,000 to purchase 49 acres of land for park use in El Granada and has the infrastructure and management in place to operate that property. Granada Sanitary District is essentially a small town and doesn't need and can't afford double taxation or double government. Conflict of Interest in Expansion Proposal Further, it has come to our attention that the "Community Services district" concept was conceived by an incumbent director who couldn't bring it to the board due to a "conflict of interest" as a board member. It appears that he enlisted a friend to bring the concept to the board thereby sidestepping the "conflict" issue. We feel the facts behind this apparent subterfuge should be aired publicly. The Elliot and Plock Agenda is to Run GSD Well. We have no other agenda than providing the best service possible and protecting the environment. Our opponents have no experience in this field and must rely entirely on the advice of others. Current directors have apparently not authorized the expenditure of a single dollar to solve the harbor pollution problem or to prove that it is a County problem. From our conversations with health department officials, it is their opinion is that harbor pollution is likely a GSD problem. Current directors have apparently been ignorant of or have simply ignored LCP required reporting to the County. Plock and Elliot will abide by the LCP and will do their utmost to provide good, efficient, environmentally sound leadership for the district and they have the experience to do so. Please feel free to call Jim at 650-726-0473 with any questions or with any concerns you may have regarding the Granada Sanitary District. |
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