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San Mateo County, CA | November 6, 2001 Election |
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Quality of LifeBy Matt GrocottCandidate for Councilmember; City of San Carlos; 4 Year Term |
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Protect and enhance the quality of life in San Carlos, including the small town character we all enjoy!The heart and soul of the quality of life in San Carlos is its small town character. When I hosted the Grass Roots 'Town Hall' meetings, preserving our small town charm was one of the top priority issues. Some of that charm is attributable to the friendliness of the people who live here. A sudden increase in the population could have a adverse impact. San Carlos has enjoyed an equable population for the last four decades. The result is an established, less transient population with a strong sense of pride in its community. Some of that charm is because of the small, family run shops of San Carlos, which contribute greatly to the village feel and ambiance. It is important for us to maintain an economic environment that encourages the small proprietor to thrive, and for new ones to relocate here. The City Council definitely plays a role in either fostering or hindering that environment. They review the regulations that impact business, they hire and fire City staff with whom business owners must deal on a daily basis, and they make decisions regarding various plans for the City, which ultimately affect business. It is important for Council members to solicit and listen to the concerns of our family run businesses. Lastly, an aspect of our small town feel is the low rise, low density buildings of the downtown core. This is why during the 'Visioning San Carlos' workshops, folks expressed concern over two particular projects: the proposed Wheeler Plaza development (behind Foodville) and the SamTrans' scheme for the rail corridor. Both projects would introduce massive structures much taller than those around them. The downtown's look and feel would be hugely altered and density would be significantly increased. The scale of these projects is comparable only to SamTrans own building at 1250 San Carlos Avenue (voted the least desirable structure in the city) and the Pacific Hacienda development, currently under construction. As a council member, I will do my part to protect and enhance our quality of life in San Carlos, including the small town character we all enjoy. |
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