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San Mateo County, CA | November 6, 2001 Election |
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Regional IssuesBy Patrick SullivanCandidate for Councilmember; City of Foster City; 2 Year Term |
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Regional and emergency issues that impact Foster City must be addressed.Like other communities in San Mateo County, Foster City has been negatively impacted by traffic, inadequate public transportation, workforce housing and airport noise. Even more critical is the realization that our region is not fully prepared to deal with tragic, critical emergencies such as the recent terrorist attack on New York. This issue is critical given our proximity to one of the world's largest and busiest airports and our high-profile financial status. We must move immediately to strengthen our residents security and safety. These are problems we can find solutions to, but not quickly and not by ourselves. To find the answers and build the infrastructure that will form a foundation for our future, we need to work with regional bodies. I have served this community on a municipal and countywide level and have, through participation, learned what we must do to have Foster City's needs given due consideration on a regional level. With your vote and support, whether you vote by mail in October or at the polls on November 6, I will work hard to represent your needs. |
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Created from information supplied by the candidate: October 3, 2001 10:57
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