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Measure K Repair and Improvement of Schools Loma Prieta Joint Union Elementary School District Bond Issue; 55% approval required 203 / 67.4% Yes votes ...... 98 / 32.6% No votes
See Also:
Index of all Measures |
Information shown below: Yes/No Meaning | Impartial Analysis | Arguments | Tax Rate Statement | Full Text | |||||
To replace earthquake damaged classrooms at C. T. English Middle School; provide drinkable water; construct, repair, acquire, furnish computer/science labs, libraries, school facilities/sites; repair roofs, floors, and water systems; qualify for State matching funds, shall Loma Prieta Joint Union Elementary School District issue $4,965,000 of bonds at legal interest rates, appoint a Citizens Oversight Committee, perform annual audits and ensure that no bond money is used for administrator salaries or other school operating expenses?
Proposition 39, approved by the voters in a statewide election November, 2000, amended the California Constitution to authorize the issuance of bonded indebtedness to acquire or improve real property, if approved by fifty-five percent of the votes cast by voters in an election. The Constitution permits the debt service on such bonds to be paid through the imposition of ad valorem property taxes on property located within the district. The maturity of any such bonds issued would not exceed 25 years for those bonds issued pursuant to the Education Code, and 40 years for those bonds issued pursuant to the Government Code, at a rate of interest within the legal limit. The tax rate is estimated not to exceed $30 per $100,000 of taxable property in the District as provided in the Tax Rate Statement. Since the interest rate on the bonds is determined when the bonds are sold, the exact amount of the tax increase can only be determined after the bonds are sold. With annual audits and citizen oversight, proceeds of the bonds would be used to replace earthquake damaged classrooms, construct, repair, acquire, and furnish computer and science labs, libraries, modernize water systems, repair roofs, floors, and to qualify for state matching funds. A "yes" vote is a vote to authorize the issuance and sale of the general obligation bonds not to exceed the principal amount of $4,965,000 for the uses specified. A "no" vote is a vote not to authorize the issuance and sale of said bonds. Ann Miller Ravel, County Counsel By: Kathryn A. Berry, Deputy County Counsel
Official Information
Arguments For Measure K | Arguments Against Measure K | ||
On October 17, 1989, the largest earthquake in decades struck California - and our community was caught in the middle. The Elementary School was so damaged the state had to rebuild it. C.T. English Middle School, originally built 30 years ago, was also badly damaged. Substantial repairs were never done.
Four entire classrooms still need to be removed, and replaced with new structures safely off the fault line. Other classrooms are leaky, moldy and poorly lit. Some bathrooms can't even be used. Basic repairs to the roof and floors still need to be made. And there is insufficient drinkable water at both schools because ground water contamination has resulted in the loss of our primary well. Measure K would raise $4.9 million to pay for these necessary repairs. The money from a bond would bring several benefits, including:
State law requires that all bond funds must be used for facility and classroom improvements. Absolutely none of the funds raised by Measure K can be used for administrative salaries or district overhead. Every dollar raised by Measure K will stay right here in our community to fix Loma Prieta schools. Please join local teachers, parents, and businesspeople in voting Yes on Measure K. Kris Lee Denues, Teacher Phillippa Siersema-isacson (PIP), Parent Charles M. Norman, Senior Citizen Lydia J. Dobyns, Loma Prieta School Board Member Scott E. Salsbury, Scotty Const. & Design
Why hasn't Loma Prieta School District repaired or replaced damaged classrooms during the last 12 years from the budget? If all budget expenditures during the last twelve years have been more important than the repairs and replacements they want to make now, what makes them suddenly more important? If families must move away because high taxes have put them out of work. won't enrollments decline even more? We should use the current budget to pay for teachers and make repairs. With whatever money is left, we should pay for whatever administration Loma Prieta School District can afford. Make your vote count. Remember, we don't have the safeguard of requiring a two-thirds vote to pass a school bond measure. It only takes 55%. Keep the Loma Prieta School District accountable. While businesses are intent on cutting costs, don't let the school budget balloon out of control. VOTE NO ON MEASURE K! For more information visit http://www.VoteNoOnK.org . H. Raymond Strong, Chair, Libertarian Party of Santa Clara County Elizabeth C. Brierly, MBA, Candidate, State Board of Equalization Dennis Michael Umphress, Libertarian Candidate for Congress, 16th District | When school boards put bond measures like Measure K before the voters, they are saying they want to buy now on credit and pay later. Often, like a credit card debt, by the time they pay it off, whatever they bought will need replacing.
A $4.965 million bond issue paying, for example, 5 percent simple interest for 25 years would mean $6.206 million in interest payments, plus $4.965 million in principle for a total of $11.171 million. As a consumer and taxpayer, you deserve to know the truth about these high costs. The annual interest payment of $248 thousand in the example is money that must be collected in taxes but goes to pay off bond holders, and is NEVER used for teacher salaries or classroom improvements. These interest payments are the cost of deficit financing. You, the taxpayers, pay this cost whenever your school board departs from the prudent and fiscally responsible practice of paying NOW for what is needed NOW, and budgeting to save for what will be needed in the future. Like the fiscally naive credit card holder, the school board could be tempted to spend this large sum of $4,965,000 unwisely, because it was viewed as easily obtained and they believe there will always be more available. Don't make it so easy. Vote NO on this enormous sum.
What's more important to you: Vote FOR responsible and effective spending for education: Vote NO on Measure K. For more details, please visit our website at http://www.VoteNOonK.org/ . H. Raymond Strong, Chair, Libertarian Party of Santa Clara County Dennis Michael Umphress, Candidate for Congress, 16th District Jeff Landauer, Candidate for Congress, 15th District Elizabeth C. Brierly, Business Systems Analyst, MBA
A school bond is like a home mortgage. Many families have mortgages because they couldn't afford to pay for their homes outright. Just like a mortgage, Measure K will raise money for the Loma Prieta School District to complete necessary work right now, and allow our students to enjoy the benefits of improved and safe facilities today. The Loma Prieta School District has determined how to solve problems created by the 1989 earthquake, and accomplish other needed repairs and improvements. The district has developed a detailed list of projects with the community, and identified over $1 million of State matching funds - but additional funds are needed to complete the work. Measure K asks voters to replace and upgrade the earthquake-damaged facilities at C.T. English Middle School, and repair the drinking water infrastructure at both schools. It will also make additional badly-needed repairs and improvements, including a new science lab, computer lab and modern library. If Measure K fails, damaged and deteriorating facilities will remain in disrepair - and cost even more to repair later. Please help support our local Loma Prieta schools. Join us in voting YES on Measure K. Kris Lee Denues, Teacher Phillippa Siersema-Isacson (PIP), Parent Charles M. Norman, Senior Citizen Lydia J. Dobyns, Loma Prieta School Board Member Scoff E. Salsbury, Scotty Construction & Design |
Tax Rate Statement from the Superintendent |
An Election will be held in Loma Prieta Joint Union Elementary School (the "District") of Santa Clara and Santa Cruz Counties on March 5, 2002 for the purpose of authorizing the sale of $4,965,000 in general obligation bonds. The bonds will be payable from tax levies made upon the taxable property in the District.
In compliance with Elections Code Sections 9400-9404 the following information is submitted: The estimates would result in an average annual tax rate over the life of the bonds of 3.00 cents per $100 of assessed valuation. Based on these tax rates, the estimated average annual tax over the term of the bonds would be $30.00 per $100,000 of assessed valuations. This would be equivalent to $2.50 per month. The actual tax rates and years in which such rates are applicable may vary from those currently estimated, due to variations from the official projections and estimates in the timing of the bond sales, the amount sold at any time, the interest rates on the bonds and the assessed values in the several future years during which the bonds are to repaid. These estimates are based upon projections and are not binding upon the District. The actual timing of the bond sales and the amount of the bonds sold at any time will be governed by the needs of the District and the then applicable debt limit. The actual interest rates on the bonds will be based on the market tax-exempt interest rates at the time of the sale of the bonds. The actual assessed values during the several future years will depend on the amount of the taxable property within the District and the value of the property within the District and the value of the property as determined in the assessment and equalization process. Dated: November 20, 2001 Mary Ellen Lewis, Superintendent Loma Prieta Joint Union Elementary School District |
Full Text of Measure K |
The following is the full proposition presented to the voters by the Loma Prieta Joint Union Elementary School District.
Neighborhood School Safety and Repair Measure. To replace earthquake damaged classrooms at C.T. English Middle School; provide drinkable water; construct, repair, acquire and furnish computer/science labs, libraries, school facilities/sites; repair roofs, floors, and water systems; qualify for State matching funds, shall Loma Prieta Joint Union Elementary School District issue $4,965,000 of bonds at legal interest rates, appoint a Citizens Oversight Committee, perform annual audits and ensure that no bond money is used for administrator salaries or other school operating expenses? The Board of Trustees of the Loma Prieta Joint Union Elementary School District has evaluated safety, class size reduction, and information technology needs in developing the scope of school facilities projects to be funded. Projects C.T. English Middle School