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Santa Clara County, CA | March 5, 2002 Election |
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San Jose's Voice and Clear ChoiceBy Patricia Martinez-RoachCandidate for Mayor; City of San Jose |
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25 Reasons Why San Jose will elect Patricia Martinez-Roach as Mayor.25 Reasons San Jose Will Elect Patricia Martinez-Roach as Mayor of San Jose Elected Official. Patricia is the only candidate in the Mayor's race with 17 years elective experience. As a past member of the Alum Rock School District for 9 years and currently serving a second term for the East Side Union High School Board of Trustees and a two year Member of the Metropolitan Adult Education Board, she has the skills and the commitment required to be an effective Mayor. Excellent Representative. In the seventeen-years as an elected official, Patricia has missed only one regular board meeting. Effective Leader. Because of Patricia's leadership, persistence and hard work, coupled with the efforts of others, the students in her District continue to excel academically. Test scores have climbed from the bottom to above the State's average, fiscal solvency and innovative projects such as Multimedia, Law, Technology and Medical Magnets have been created. Educator - Schoolteacher. Education in California today presents challenges for classroom teachers. As a schoolteacher for 29 years, Patricia is driven to provide quality education for her students and to many others. San Jose Chamber of Commerce President Steve Tedesco, after a day shadowing the principal of Los Arboles School, had this to say: "Patricia Roach is a wonderful kindergarten teacher who coped well with a class of kids who speak five languages at home." (San Jose Mercury News, March 24, 1992) Educated. Patricia graduated from Overfelt High School. She attended San Jose State University where she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Art, minor in Political Science, and a Masters degree in Administration/Supervision in Higher Education. Patricia also holds Elementary Teaching Credentials and is a Certified Interpreter by the state of California. Longtime Community Volunteer. East/Evergreen San Jose has been Patricia's home since 1966. As a single parent of two sons, Patricia became involved in the quest for quality education. She wants her four-year-old grandson to grow up in safe neighborhoods and attend good schools. Patricia has joined organizations, which advocate for better parks, good libraries, child care, senior services affordable housing and more public safety programs for all residents. She has volunteered with the Evergreen Valley Service Organization and has formed her own neighborhood association. She was appointed by Councilmember Dave Cortese to serve as a member of the West Evergreen Strong Neighborhood Committee; in addition, she was a member of the Day in the Park Evergreen Community event, organizing and planning committee. Past President of the Board. Patricia served a very successful term for her Board where she lead the district toward higher standards of accountability and excellence in educating students. East Side is the largest high school district in northern California. She has an extensive background in setting policies and procedures to ensure quality education for over 40,000 students in both high school and adult education campuses. She served as budget chair for six years, overseeing almost a billion-dollar budget. For the past 5 years, Patricia has dedicated her time to empowering High School students who serve on the Student/Board Relations Committee which directs and advises policy for the district. "Woman of the Year" Award. Patricia's community involvement and credentials have been so impressive that in 1989, Assemblyman (now Senator) John Vasconcellos nominated her the 23rd District's "Woman of the Year." "She is an outstanding example of the best California has to offer," he said. Patricia was subsequently honored with this distinctive award by the California State Legislature. The California Association for Bilingual Education, San Jose Chapter voted her Bilingual Teacher of the Year for 1998-99. Professional Affiliations. As an active member of her community, Patricia continues to be active with the California School Boards Association and other state organizations. She is a member of California Teachers Association and was an officer in her local Union's chapter. She is a member of PTA, NAACP, MAPA, EVSO and other organizations serving our community. City Commissioner. Patricia served for seven years as a commissioner in various City commissions. She has a working knowledge of the current issues and urban problems affecting the City of San Jose. Coalition-Builder. As former Vice Chair of ex Mayor McEnery's Task Force on Minority affairs Commission, Patricia knows the value of effective coalition building in a city as diverse as San Jose. Vital Human Services Programs. As a member of the CDBG Commission for seven years, Patricia voted to fund community-based organizations which provide health, medical, legal, housing and job referrals services to San Jose's seniors, low-income and economically disadvantaged residents, newly arrived immigrants, battered women, homeless families, at-risk youths and many others. Cultural Arts. Through the Historic Art Advisory Commission, Patricia supported cultural education and preservation. Patricia became an effective member supporting projects, which are not visible in the City's four gateways and downtown celebrating our rich diversity and remembering the founders of the "Valley of the Heart's Delight." Economic Development. San Jose needs well planned retail shops. Patricia is concerned with neighborhoods being plagued with "monster" shopping centers with large retail shops. San Jose needs to support existing businesses and quality shops. Redevelopment funds should be directed toward the economic development of the City of San Jose. Planned Growth - Proper Development. While commercial business is essential to the economic development in San Jose, Patricia considers it unfair to homeowners and residents to have retail businesses as next-door neighbors. Patricia will work to maintain the integrity of neighborhoods. She will preserve the hillsides and fight to protect Development Policies which controls flood, transportation and growth. Model development. Projects such as the Evergreen Specific Plan, Silver Creek Country Club and East Side Union High School District new high school are examples of effective collaboration and sensible and responsible development. Patricia supports the timely completion of all new projects already approved which should include adequate transportation and traffic congestion plans, more parks, libraries and safety services. Poorly maintained, underdeveloped or rundown areas in San Jose need to be developed. Youth and Senior Center. Patricia strongly supports a multipurpose youth and senior recreational facility in San Jose. Our seniors need quality medical care and services, this center will offer this vital service and afford jobs for residents in the district. Evergreen's New High School. Patricia has kept her promise to build a new high school which will open in the fall of 2002. As a newly elected member of the East Side Union High School in 1994, she made this issue a priority. Patricia was responsible for insuring a budget and plan for this new high school. Child Care Services. Patricia is sensitive to the shortage and high cost of quality child care services. She will seek funding for supporting existing child care centers and for expanding this vital service to our working families in San Jose. She will take care of our youngest citizens as well. Safety and Crime Prevention. San Jose's population has grown without proper planning for less traffic, quality affordable rents and maintaining jobs. With development and the amenities in place, crime and safety have become a major concern for Patricia. She wants to insure that adequate Police and Fire protection are in place. Patricia does not want you to pay more taxes; instead, she wants to restructure the budget to deliver basic services. Her effective participation in working on TABS with the Police Department and as Chair of East Side's Safety Committee will be an added contribution to San Jose. Library Services. San Jose needs a library system to accommodate our growing City. Patricia fought to insure more funding for libraries to insure a vital service for all residents. She wants to monitor your tax dollars are well spent. Better Public Transportation. Patricia wants better and dependable public transportation for San Jose. She has been active in the development of the Light Rail Transit Project and wants to insure that the City gets their "fair share." Environmental Concerns. Patricia will champion environmental concerns as Mayor of San Jose. She will campaign for cleaner air, and the preservation of open space and wildlife. "No" on Moving City Hall. Patricia does not support moving San Jose's City Hall to the downtown area. She believes that the money spent on such an extravagant project could better be used to fix streets and improve the quality of life in the City. She supports a new plaza square for the people to enjoy. Commitment and Dedication. Patricia is tough on issues because she cares about the policies that affect people's lives on a daily basis. She has the courage to fight for "the people's issues." Patricia will work hard to represent you in City hall. Patricia Martinez-Roach has the: qualifications,
to get the work done for you as Mayor.
Call her or e-mail your thoughts at
408 254-9864 San Jose's Voice and Clear Choice Patricia Martinez-Roach Amigos for Patricia Martinez-Roach FPPC ID# 1241466 PLEAS NOTE: Patricia is not soliciting contributions during the primary election. She believes that San Jose needs to choose candidates on their character, qualifications and experience to lead the City of San Jose. copyright 2002 all rights reserved pmrcommunications |
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