(Vote for 1)
Peter Zschiesche
5508 votes
(This candidate has not responded to Smart Voter)
- Occupation: Community/College Educator
Hattie Bryant
2530 votes
(This candidate has not responded to Smart Voter)
- Occupation: Educational TV Producer
John Stump
1328 votes
(This candidate has not responded to Smart Voter)
- Occupation: Attorney-at-law
Paul Hobson
1037 votes
(This candidate has not responded to Smart Voter)
Arthur "Art" Salzberg
503 votes
(This candidate has not responded to Smart Voter)
Basic candidate data supplied by the applicable elections official.
All candidates have been invited to supply additional information to Smart Voter.
Order of candidates is random and changes daily.
News and Analysis
San Diego Union-Tribune
Links to sources outside of Smart Voter are provided for information only and do not imply endorsement.