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San Diego County, CA | March 5, 2002 Election |
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Running for OfficeBy Robert CorneliusCandidate for Board Member; San Diego Unified School District; Trustee Area B |
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The most compelling reason for my candidacyThe San Diego Unified School District is in need of strong leadership and much better management. My experience in public education tells me that there needs to be much greater support for the direct teaching activities at the school sites.
The district has not been compliant with some educational programs, has been slow to provide facility construction/maintenance, and must do better in maintaining over-site of resource allocation/school district budget. The Board of Education needs someone who knows something about school operations and who is familiar with what it takes to have a high performing school district and produce high-level student achievement. Efforts must be made to increase research and development regarding learning theory and learning techniques that will help the teacher in the classroom. Efforts must be made to return support for libraries, nurses, counseling, and other programs that are essential to providing support to the classsroom. It is essential to focus on the needs of the students and student achievement. It is critical that the district attain more resources, resolve special education funding, provide for more facility bonds, interact at the state and federal level, implement the state standards and up-grade the support/operations structure within the district. |
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Created from information supplied by the candidate: February 17, 2002 13:52
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