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Political Philosophy for James Mark Shreves
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To promote clear truth and moral clarity To protect the life of unborn persons.. Domestic terrorism. "A brutal, cowardly act of murder." "Mass murder." "A national conspiracy to commit domestic terrorism." These are perfect descriptions of what abortion is. This is one of my favorite quotes from Greg Koukl, simply put legalized abortion is the lawful killing of unborn persons. Here are some questions I would ask of those who support a womans right to have her unborn son or daughter killed. 1. What is the unborn? 2. Is the killing of an innocent human person morally wrong? 3. Since we allow the killing of unborn children by abortion, would you also support the killing of toddlers for the very same reasons you support abortion? If not why not? What is the morally relevant difference between killing unborn children and the killing of toddlers? 4. When unborn children are unwanted we allow them to be killed by abortion. The homeless can also be unwanted, would it be okay to kill them too? If not, why not? What is the morally relevant difference between killing homeless people and killing unborn children? 5. When an unborn child becomes a financial burden for the mother we allow her to have an abortion. If older senior citizens become a financial burden should we also have the option to kill them? If not, then why not? What is the morally relevant difference between killing an unborn child and a senior citizen for financial reasons? 6. Isn't the mother forcing her morality on the unborn child by aborting him or her? 7. Would you agree with this statement " I personally feel that abortion is morally wrong, but I also feel that whether or not to have an abortion is a decision that has to be made by every woman herself" If you agree would you also agree with this statement "I personally feel that slavery is morally wrong, but I also feel that whether or not to have a slave is a decision that has to be made by every slave owner himself" If you don't agree then why not? What is the morally relevant difference between a slave and the unborn? 8. Pro-abortionists say that outlawing abortion would restrict a woman's right to privacy. Is that right absolute? Does somebody's right to privacy exceed another's right to live? 9. If what you say is true and the issue isn't really abortion but a woman's right to control her own body, why doesn't your agenda include drugs and prostitution? Aren't laws against those most restrictive to a woman's right to choose what she will and will not do with her own body as laws against abortion are? 10. Why is it that the very people who say the governments should stay out of abortion are the same ones who want the government to pay for them? 11. Abortion advocates say they are in the business to help women. Other than offering to kill their children for them, what are they doing? 12. Pro-abortionists say that the unborn child is part of the mother's body. If that is so, why does the child possess a completely different genetic code and often a different blood type? How do you explain the fact that it has its own immune system? Why is it male half the time? 13. If we use the absence of brain waves to determine that a person's life had ended, why shouldn't we use the presence of brain waves to determine that someone's life has begun? 14. We are now seeing the unborn being treated for disease, given blood transfusions and even operated on. When a doctor does one of these procedures, who is the patient? 15. Abortion advocates try to justify their actions by saying that, while the unborn may be human, it's not a "person." Can you give a detailed description of the differences? 16. Pro-abortionists base much of their argument on the concept of viability. Can you give me a description of what it means for someone to be viable? 17. Why is it that abortion advocates say they want women to have all their options, but they fight so hard against laws requiring totally informed consent? 18. What rights do you feel a father should have in an abortion decision? 19. If pro-abortionists are mainly concerned with the health and safety of women, why do they fight so hard against legislation requiring abortion providers to meet the same medical standard as legitimate outpatient surgery clinics? 20. Let's look at a hypothetical situation. Two women become pregnant on the same day. Six months later woman A has a premature but healthy baby, and woman B is still pregnant. One week later she decides she doesn't want her baby. Why should woman B be allowed to kill hers and not woman A? 21. Why don't we each look at the downside of our respective positions? Have you ever thought about the ramifications if you are wrong? 22. Should a woman be allowed to have an abortion for absolutely any reason, such as sex selection, or for career, or because she doesn't want to be tied down by a child? If not, when should she not be permitted to abort? 23. I am going to take the liberty of characterizing your position, and then I want you to tell me where I'm wrong. You want abortion to be legal right up to the moment of birth - in other words, through all nine months of pregnancy, for any reason whatsoever, or for no reason whatsoever; for a minor girl of any age without parental consent, even without parent knowledge; and if she can't pay for it, you think the taxpayer out to. Is there anything inaccurate about that statement? |
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