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California State Government | March 5, 2002 Election |
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My Priorities as State TreasurerBy Greg ConlonCandidate for State Treasurer; State of California; Republican Party |
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My primary goal is to make California financially strong and help ensure that taxpayers get more services for their tax dollars.After careful consideration of the current administration's handling of State finances, it is clear that California is in serious need of a change. California requires financial leadership that will cut government expense, restore the state's financial health, and ensure a greater percentage of our tax dollars go toward funding for schools, roads, and public safety.
1. Improve the State's Credit Rating. The recent downgrading means millions of taxpayer dollars are being wasted on higher interest payments instead of improving California roads, schools, and infrastructure. I will work to streamline government and cut government waste to get our bond rating back on solid ground. 2. Get the State Government Out of the Energy Business. The state has proved itself ill-equipped to finance or manage our energy needs as is evidenced by the $43 billion in contracts that now appear to be overpaying current rates by 500%. The private sector has successfully handled California's electricity, natural gas, and telephone needs for over 100 years. The state should renegotiate electricity contracts and consider selling those contracts to third party public utilities or private corporations. 3. Create a Strategic Plan to Finance California's Growing Infrastructure Needs. California is confronting a mounting state deficit with no clear vision or strategic plan for future capital expenditures. Without careful planning, our infrastructure # roads, schools, public works # will further deteriorate. Within the Treasurer's office, I will immediately apply proven business principles to streamline management and work with the Governor and legislature to create an effective strategic plan to finance California's growth. I would very much appreciate your vote, endorsement and financial support. With your help I pledge to run the State's finances in a fiscally prudent and conservative manner of which you will be proud. |
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