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Alameda County, CA | November 5, 2002 Election |
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Cathie Kelly For School Board By Rita HaskinsBy Cathie KellyCandidate for Member, Governing Board; New Haven Unified School District |
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In less than one month, we will have the right to elect two important local leaders: trustees for the New Haven Unified School District. These leaders will work with a board to set policy that directly affects our children. Before we cast that all-important vote, we need to consider the following. Track record. Which of the three candidates has proven herself as a leader for our children. There has been much rumor-mongering about the decline of our schools. In the past five years, our student test scores have improved. This demonstrates that the school district is rising to the challenge of leaving no child behind. Please don't take my word for it, but review the test scores for yourself at Job Requirements. It's the school board's duty to set policy for the administration to implement. The board needs to guide the district and have the courage to make the tough decisions when needed. In April, the board was tasked with passing a balanced budget as required by the state. In order to make the budget balance, the board needed to cut $2.3 million in expenses, not an easy task for a district that was already operating on a lean budget. If the board hadn't passed a balanced budget, the Alameda County Office of Education would've stepped in to make the "district's budget consistent with the state-adopted criteria and standards" - not a desirable situation. Thankfully the board did pass a balanced budget, but not with the help of Trustees Jonas Dino and Gwen Estes. Before the public budget workshop, each board member knew that he or she needed to trim $2.3 million. Trustee Estes, who is running for re-election, only voted to cut $1.4 million and voted "no" when the entire budget was presented for adoption. None of the members wanted to make the cuts, but the cuts were necessary so that we could maintain local control of our district. The New Haven school district has had a tough budget year, and the cutting probably isn't over. This situation isn't unique to New Haven. The surrounding school districts also have had to make significant cuts in their budgets, similar to the action taken by city governments and private businesses. Our district has been fortunate in keeping so many programs for so long - evidence that it has been fiscally prudent. Being in the Know. Candidates Barbara Aro-Valle and Estes have said they would vote to fire Superintendent Ruth McKenna if they are elected. This is a curious stand for Trustee Estes since she voted to renew McKenna's contract. And with the exception of the budget, Estes has supported the majority of recommendations provided to the board. Aro-Valle also stated that the district isn't doing enough for at-risk kids. It's obvious that she hasn't attended any of the School Community Program Council meetings or reviewed each school's School Improvement Plan (now known as the Single Plan for Student Achievement) to learn about all of the Safety Net programs that are in place. She suggested that we look into partnering with Chabot College to work with Logan students. In fact, such a program already exists! As we work to get out of this storm, we need an experienced and dedicated navigator at the helm, such as Cathie Kelly - not a newcomer who isn't well informed or an incumbent that doesn't understand her role. As you mark your ballot, please keep the above in mind. And ask yourself, "Do I vote for someone with a proven positive record or gamble our children's future on a lot of talk?" Please make the right decision for our children. Rita Haskin is a resident of the Hayward portion of the New Haven Unified School District. Her children have attended New Haven schools for last seven years, and she is past chair for the Hillview Crest School Site Council and is active in the School Community Program Council. |
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Created from information supplied by the candidate: November 1, 2002 15:53
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